SM7B for Metal Guitar Cab?

Mike 24

Jul 23, 2007
Was wondering if anyone has tried a SM7B on a 4x12 cab for Metal tones and how it worked out? I am thinking of getting one instead of my Sm57 to capture more low mids, etc. I have also heard that people use this and maybe a condenser such as the AT 4050 and it seems to work.
Just wanted some real users opinions before I drop the $800 for the two mics.
Thanks Guys
ps any other suggestions greatly welcomed.
Well they both fucking rule for a great many things (mainly VOCALS), so I'd get 'em anyway, and if they don't work on cabs, no biggie, cuz that'd just be icing on the cake!

However, for mic's that definitely do work well on cabs, there's (in ascending order of price, but not necessarily sound quality) the Audix i5, Sennheiser MD421, Beyerdynamic DT660 (or whatever the model is, it's a hypercardioid ribbon), and Royer R-121
I agree. The Shure SM7b is permanently positioned in front of one of my celestions. Has a high pass filter to eliminate frequencies below 80Hz that is sometimes helpful. It is not the only mic I use, but I always seem to like what it adds - clean or distorted tones.
all the time with or without the filter and a 57 for a little more sizzle and also on vox and bass and some drums

i found myself using it so often i had to get a second one

make sure you have a good clean high gain pre to run it with

sm7 + vintech x73= killer