small home studio vid...


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I tracked our vocalist for our upcoming CD this weekend. Lotta booze, lotta fun. Hopefully the end product will sound half as good as mixes on here! You can hear a couple seconds of an early mix at the beginning (the scream, haha). The scream in the mix you hear is the 57 alone. It has the transformer removed and I couldn't be happier with what we got out of it.

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it doesn't have the upper mid peakiness you hear in a regular 57. It's not a huge difference, but on a vocalist like ours, it is. It seems like a little warmer, but I'd say it's more because the high mids are more relaxed. The output is lower. I had the preamp gain on my profire 2626 pegged. Only on the loudest screams would it clip, so it really was perfect. I captured the AT3035's sound alongside the 57, at some point I may put up a raw audio file comparing the 2. Our vocalist is really raspy and doesn't have much beef to his voice. For our music I think it works, but I've always struggled to get a beefier tone out of him. I wanted to get an SM7B prior to tracking but I couldn't afford it. I did this mod to my 57 a couple years ago, and never really tried it on him until this weekend after reading people compare an sm7 to a modded 57...I've never used an SM7 myself, so I can't compare directly, but I can say I like it better than just a regular 57 for his vocals, or my AT3035.
Yeah, Sir. That was kewl.
I hate to ask the obvious ... but does the singer know he's got a scorpion on his neck?
If that thing stings him ... it could really hurt!
Just messin 'round.

But, seriously - that sounded kewl.
Thanks for sharing with us!
nah, Man! I'm a heavy set dood ... so you're not a "fatass" to me!
I was just curious.
At first glance it reminded me of Mr Suecof ... for whatever reason!
Keep on rawkin'!
Take care

nah, Man! I'm a heavy set dood ... so you're not a "fatass" to me!
I was just curious.
At first glance it reminded me of Mr Suecof ... for whatever reason!
Keep on rawkin'!
Take care


Haha, when my head is shaved and my beard short, I get Suecof comparisons. WHen my beard is long and my hair long, I get Stephen Carpenter comparisons...It was REALLY bad around the time White Pony came out and I had longer hair and played a Stef ESP sig, haha.


I have no idea who Rob is, but if it's true, I feel bad for him...I've always hated my voice!


Just checked out Rob on Metal Injection, and I think you may be talking about our bass player. He's the dude running the camera in the vids.