Small Queensryche haul?


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
A small haul seems like a contradiction in terms to me but still...:err:

I got myself:

Queen of the Reich EP

Great great! I have the original on 206 records. But this is great it features the sound track of their "Live in Tokyo" video. Thats a great video and these songs rock!! They remind me why I became such a Queensryche fanatic after I bought the original EP.

The Warning

OMG!! I can hear the guitars on this album. The original vinyl album was mixed so badly the guitars were barly audible. Great re-release. And "Road to Madness" is one of the best 80s ballads. The inclusion of "Prophecy" is nice but since it was recorded at the RFO sessions it should have been on the RFO disc.

Rage for Order

This sounds the way Neil Kernon intended it. Its been cleaned up and remastered and sounds great! I always had a special place for this album. It was way ahead of its time. I love the sound effects in and between the songs. On of the bonus tracks is "I Dream In Infrared (1991 Acoustic Remix)" and it sounds great.

Operation Mindcrime

Everybodies favorite Queensryche album and justly so. One of the best metal albums ever! Nough said!
Hawk said:
A small haul seems like a contradiction in terms to me but still...:err:

A haul big or small is still a haul, so haul on my hauling friend.

Hawk said:
But this is great it features the sound track of their "Live in Tokyo" video. Thats a great video and these songs rock!!

Why is this not out on DVD???!!!!!!!!
Greeno said:
A haul big or small is still a haul, so haul on my hauling friend.
Will do officer Greeno :)

Greeno said:
Why is this not out on DVD???!!!!!!!!
Very good question! Because that gig is amazing. I like it better than the weak shit they are releasing now on DVD.
hahaha Yet another Slightly off but on Topic remark :) My Buddy Picked up this Box thing Called Operation Live Crime It has the Entire Miindcrime album On Cd and Video cassette live .... I havnt Checked it out yet myself since I am still knee deep in my Queenryche funk hahaha
Excellent Hawk!
I was hoping not to see that you bought Tribe(A.K.A. Tripe), Hear in the Now Frontier or Q2K....
What shit records those turned out to be...
They have been playing the Ryche Live Dvd on Direct TV all month, it's fucking unwatchable! Tate has hit the wall, he's lost three steps at least...
It's a damn shame, they become just "another band," that took a turn for the worst...:mad:
sixxswine said:
They have been playing the Ryche Live Dvd on Direct TV all month, it's fucking unwatchable! Tate has hit the wall, he's lost three steps at least..It's a damn shame, they become just "another band," that took a turn for the worst...:mad:
Imagine what it was Like Watiching them do a 4 or 5 song acoustic set just a Half hour after you saw a Band like Symphony X it was truely boring ... which is why I am still in a bit of a anti-Ryche thing tho I will say the Oldies they played sounded great
Yea I know 6. Its a shame to see a once good band go down like this. But we do have the re-masters now! I hope the "Live in Tokyo" video is going to be released on DVD one day. Thats such a great gig!!

JonnyD said:
Imagine what it was Like Watiching them do a 4 or 5 song acoustic set just a Half hour after you saw a Band like Symphony X it was truely boring ...

You saw a Symphony X video on TV?? From what song? I am a huge Symphony X fan!! :worship:

Btw; any of you already clicked on the "206 records" link?? ;)
JonnyD said:
Imagine what it was Like Watiching them do a 4 or 5 song acoustic set just a Half hour after you saw a Band like Symphony X it was truely boring ... which is why I am still in a bit of a anti-Ryche thing tho I will say the Oldies they played sounded great
I would have had to walk out...
Why the hell did you stick around?:mad:
looking for pussy?
That would have been the ONLY legitimate
excuse my friend...:heh:
"Tribe" is a high quality hard rock album.
Queensryche NEVER became (and they are not now) just "another band" what they do remains special and unique. They do what they ALWAYS did from the beginning, just now some dont like it. I saw them here on last Sunday, they played the whole Operation: Mindcrime (WITH PAMELA MOORE!) and it was a total "religious" AMAZING experience. Geoff Tate on stage is another man, and he wins all other frontmen.
IOfTheStorm said:
"Tribe" is a high quality hard rock album.
Queensryche NEVER became (and they are not now) just "another band" what they do remains special and unique. They do what they ALWAYS did from the beginning, just now some dont like it. I saw them here on last Sunday, they played the whole Operation: Mindcrime (WITH PAMELA MOORE!) and it was a total "religious" AMAZING experience. Geoff Tate on stage is another man, and he wins all other frontmen.
:worship: :worship: :worship: IOfTheStorm
You are my new God. I would KILL to see that!!!

But yeh Hawk, those are all classic albums, nothing short of that. No one can beat Queensryche circa 1983(the EP)-1994(Promised Land).
IOfTheStorm said:
well i can worship you for that too eheh.
Seriously many things Queensryche did (and do) remain a distant dream for almost every other band in the planet.
Go right ahead. :lol::D

Queensryche in those days were so creative and were(in my eyes, at least) the high watermark that every other power/prog band would, unfortunately for them, would be measured up to, and only a precious few have gotten even close. Hell, you wanna know how big of a Ryche fan I am? I LIKE Hear In The Now Frontier and Tribe!! Not Q2K though, i just couldn't get into that one.
I dislike Hear In The Now Frontier, it was a great dissapointment for me, being a 15 year old metalhead back in 1997 to listen to this kind of stuff when it was released, and i never got over it.
I like Q2K and i love Tribe.
IOfTheStorm said:
I dislike Hear In The Now Frontier, it was a great dissapointment for me, being a 15 year old metalhead back in 1997 to listen to this kind of stuff when it was released, and i never got over it.
I like Q2K and i love Tribe.
Well, to each his own, I guess. :) At least you like Tribe and are still loyal to the Ryche, that's the important thing.
Bryant said:
O:M will always be one of my fave metal releases and the EP kicks ass as well as does RFO, but they haven't released anything remotely interesting since PL.

I'm sorry Dad, but i'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. :D
But it does do fall into opinon and personal taste though. So, i won't slag you for it.
Hawk said:
Yea I know 6. Its a shame to see a once good band go down like this. But we do have the re-masters now! I hope the "Live in Tokyo" video is going to be released on DVD one day. Thats such a great gig!!


You saw a Symphony X video on TV?? From what song? I am a huge Symphony X fan!! :worship:

Btw; any of you already clicked on the "206 records" link?? ;)

Sorry Buddy it wasnt on Tv it was Live hahahaha Hell if it was on Tv I would have Shut it off Half way through the Acoustic Debakle! ..... But I Love Symphony X myself they were the reason I went to the show and the DID NOT disapoint me! Oh and I just Clicked on the link!
sixxswine said:
I would have had to walk out...
Why the hell did you stick around?:mad:
looking for pussy?
That would have been the ONLY legitimate
excuse my friend...:heh:

HAHAHHAHAHA theres nothing like waking up to a good Swine post! I almost did walk out I was Very close but I couldnt do it I payed to get in there so I was gonna stick it out no matter what I have only walked out on a band once in my Entire life! that was Limp Biscut @ Ozzfest '98 Worst fucking thing I had ever seen or Heard! But yes There was This Cute lil lady standing next to me for most of the night so I had more than just the Ryche on my mind!
JonnyD said:
HAHAHHAHAHA theres nothing like waking up to a good Swine post! I almost did walk out I was Very close but I couldnt do it I payed to get in there so I was gonna stick it out no matter what I have only walked out on a band once in my Entire life! that was Limp Biscut @ Ozzfest '98 Worst fucking thing I had ever seen or Heard! But yes There was This Cute lil lady standing next to me for most of the night so I had more than just the Ryche on my mind!
Hahahahaha. The Chubby wins everytime!
I wear ear plugs at shows these days, I'd rather be safe that deaf later on...
That helps cope with shit bands...
sixxswine said:
Hahahahaha. The Chubby wins everytime!
I wear ear plugs at shows these days, I'd rather be safe that deaf later on...
That helps cope with shit bands...

hahahah it does indeed! ..... Man Speakin of ear plugs I realized that if I see Morbid Angel Again (Which I Totally will!) I will HAVE to wear ear plugs I thought I was never gonna hear normally again hahaha .... Ear Plugs would have NOT done anything for the limp boys watching the Melvis setup was far more Entertaining! And their Set was Even Better! They did "The Ballad of Dwight Fry" Awsome Job one of the Highlights of the whole show!