Smaller Room ---> Smaller Monitors?

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
Sorry for opening another thread for this, but i can't find informations to that anywhere.
I am searching for a good studio monitor for my room (actually it's my bedroom, too).
The room is not treated, yet.. But maybe I'll do it in the future.
My room is very small (something like 4m x 3m) and i want to buy the right monitors for it.

So, in some threads I read that monitors with smaller woofer are better for
a small room and in other threads i read that 5" woofer arent really enough for
mixing & mastering. I am really confused right now... please help :P

If i'd need bigger monitors i would go for the Yamaha Hs80m.
And if a 5" woofer is enough i'd chose the Yamaha Hs50m, Esi nEar05 Experience or the Adam Ax3
(which one is better?...)

edit: My table is in a corner so the monitors are near to a wall!...

-The Joker
I do some mixing in my small bedroom. Used to have a pair of Alesis Monitor 1 MkII's which had massive low end. Totally didn't work for my room at all, my mixes didn't translate as the low end in my room was completely fucked up. Grabbed a set of HS50's and I've been much happier.
Will i still be able to mix the low end right with small woofers? (The a3x looks so fucking tiny :-/) ...
Which small monitor (235€ or less) would be the best?
Is the Adam a3x better than the yamaha hs50m? Or is there even
a better one?
i'm feelin the A3X's in my tiny room.

Are the A3X's your main monitors? .. And do you get good results with them?

edit: I don't know if i should buy the a3x's instead of the hs50m's , my desk is
in the corner and the hs50m's have this room control thing and the a3x's not.
Is this feature really THAT usefull or should i chose the a3x's because they
are better in generaly?
The truth is that smaller monitors are going to minimize low frequency issues in a small room by simply not producing low frequencies. That is far more of a workaround than a solution and you are still going to have comb filtering and other reflection issues no matter what.
You need to treat your room no matter what and then at that point pick near fields that work for you instead of setting limits based on flawed logic.
So you say that i need 8" woofers to get good results? ..
The problem is that the Hs80m are so big ... I can't really put
them on my desk, because they are so huge. I would sit so near
to them :erk:
Hey Joker, I'm not saying that you have to have 8"'s. I'm just saying that choosing a speaker that is light on bass b/c you have bass problems doesn't solve the core issue. The truth is that the quality of your work relates to your personal ability to adapt to your gear and room as much as it does the gear itself -- some guys can't work w/o a sub while others can mix and master on headphones.
I agree with Egan on this one, hence my suggestion to go with a cheaper pair of monitors and spend some cash on room treatment. You pointed out yourself that your room is less than ideal; It's my bedroom too, My table is in a corner so the monitors are near to a wall!...

Large or small drivers, you will have issues across the whole spectrum unless you treat your room somewhat.

I'm currently stuck in a room without treatment and really can't wait to move out next year so that I can change that.

If all this is getting too expecnsive, then invest in either some good headphones instead, or use an existing home stereo and spend all that money on bass trapping and treating early refelction points. Any monitor without the right room will be wasted as you won't hear all the detail anyway.
I'm running the Mackie MR-5's in my room (12'x12') and they sound pretty good, and the low end is just about right.
So you say that i need 8" woofers to get good results? ..
The problem is that the Hs80m are so big ... I can't really put
them on my desk, because they are so huge. I would sit so near
to them :erk:

i assume the speakers are near the back wall of your room, right?
thats even more of a problem then if you wanna have control
over your low end.

honestly if you dont have the space and dont have the money to treat your room, the only acceptable way of working is with headphones.
if you use a spatializer that simulates crosstalk between both channels,
its an ok alternative for beginners.

5" speakers like the hs50 will never give you enough information about your low end. a smal room will make that problem even worse...
TheJoker: If you'd like to find out why we're all going on about treating your room and why it plays such a large part in your decision, it might be best to have a read of all the reference guides and information on the real traps website.
Didn't we already go over this in the other thread and in the end you pretty much said you just need something you can play around with and don't want to go into room treatment and such? Seriously, be it 8" or 5" woofers, it really doesn't mean shit if you're gonna cram them into the corner of an untreated cube anyway.