Smekermann's fate

ya whats funny is that i had the last "battle" with him. me and some other guy lordoftheharvest. ya we both made him look like an idiot and he just kept repeating faggot, fag, cocksucker, etc. haha it was great. its a shame now that he's gone... nah.
Originally posted by Ormir

inane whining

I find it infinitely more immature that you ran to the forum admin because he called you a name or whatever. No one forced you to argue with him or even read his posts. And earn a fucking sense of humor, his flames were obviously in jest.
i think omrir did right. And he has a right to do what he wants. If Mark decided Smeke had to go, then he prob was right.

Now, HOW easy is it for someone to get my IP? Suddenly im scared.
Never really saw much of that Smekerman fellow...

A shame. He is constantly referred to by the longer running members. If anything he has left behind his reputation, as I understand it he was good comic relief...his legacy lives on in the heart of other trolls.
He wasn't that funny unless you were one of those idiots in high school that laughed every time someone said dick, cock, vagina, or said a cuss word. Occasionally humor would seep out, but rarely.

I find it funny that people are attacking Ormir for this. It's not like he told Mark about some n00b who called someone else a cockblower or something and then let it go. This was Smekermann, the guy who probably had a dictionary of petty insults, and felt compelled to use them any time someone said something he disagreed with. He couldn't discuss the issue in a humane manner, no, he had to revert to:


Wow. Funny. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ormir
Smekermann's every single post has been deleted by Mark and his account has been suspended. He will not return to UM. I caused this by sending a liberal amount of PM's to people who have been flamed by him and asking them to report him. I was pretty damn tired of being flamed by him, and I assumed correctly that others were. Due to the amount of complaints Mark got he decided to take action. Currently Smekermann has sworn to hack my computer and send me trojans/whatever. He's got my ip so I'm a bit worried...
Though I'd mention this though.

Get a firewall.

I recomend Zonealarm. Is not easy to set up but once you do set it up your computer will be safe from him.

Misanthrope ( Kinda glad Smekermann lacked the charisma and manipulation of a true troll like myself )
Hmmm...whether you find it funny or not depends entirely on what level of humour you appreciate.

Do you like Adam Sandler (someone who does would like Smekermann) or Monty Python?
Originally posted by ham
because Mark isn't like us, and every decision he ever makes is always the correct one, and he's superhuman, and he's awesome, and i love him soo much i want to suck his fuckin cock like you.


Dick. I assume you think the boards wee better with him on. I wonder if you noticed that 'report post to administrator' button. Yes, its free. Mark is not an idiot (unlike certain forum members) and im sure he knows whats good for the forum. If you did like Smekermann, then write some letter to Mark or something to bring him back. It can be done. Though im sure you'll be by yourself, cause nobody else is gonna waste their time.

Commander Dickfagtoodle. Pfft.
I didn't know he had been banned because of Ormir...

And anyway Ormir all you do is come to the Opeth forum to say how much they suck and what fanboys everyone here is. I know you know lots about music and aren't here just for insulting people but so did Smekermann if you ever caught one of his more serious posts.

Ekakkub: Please, I hope you are joking.

Well I thought he was funny.

and Dreamlord, isn't this a bit of a change of views on your part?
Originally posted by Interesti

and Dreamlord, isn't this a bit of a change of views on your part?

Yeah a little, but that's because in the last few days I realized that UM is much more enjoyable with him gone.
Reporting anything that bothers you to a forum administrator is what you are supposed to do.

Then that puts the ball in the administrators hands for a decision on what actually to do. Mark is a great and leniant administrator. I'm pretty darn sure he reviewed many of the posts prior to deciding to ban him/her/it. On other forums, many of our posts, and many of us would of already been banned. Mark has let this place pretty much be run by us members.
Nah, I think Ormir only trolls on this board. There was a thread on the DT forum about it, quite funny.

Smekkerman was a fool, but then if you didn't like it you could've clicked the ignore/block (whatever it is) button so that you never had to read any of his posts. That's what it's there for.