

Kreteks > all
BloodyScalpel said:
I just can't get enough of that song :headbang:
when every wannabe guitarist trys to be impressive by playing the main riff, it gets annoying, because they cant play any other part of the song.

Still a classic
CliffBurton said:
when every wannabe guitarist trys to be impressive by playing the main riff, it gets annoying, because they cant play any other part of the song.

Still a classic

lol yea, that is like the first song most people learn.

Not for me though, i learned its a small world...

much more grim and tr00!!!!:headbang:
War_Blade said:
lol yea, that is like the first song most people learn.

Not for me though, i learned its a small world...

much more grim and tr00!!!!:headbang:
It was for whome the bell tolls for me...on bass :p
Smoking cigarettes is the most ridiculous thing anyone could willingly do... and I smoke and openly admit I am ridiculous... :lol: It dosn't do anything but kill you and the only reason ppl enjoy it is because they are addicted and have become so accustomed to doing it. Because who honestly enjoyed their first cigarette? After coughing for 10 minutes then falling over because you were so light headed did you think to yourself how great that just was? If you're gonna smoke anyhting you might aswell smoke crack, at least you get high... :lol: You throw money away everyday and for what? When you decide to call it a night and go lay down in your bed... does your mind become totally consumed by how incredible the 8th smoke you had that day was and then you proceed to jerk off and relive the experience in your head? I guess I like smoking but I am certain I like it a whole lot more because I am addicted to it. So stop smoking for like 6 months... save all the money you would have spent on cigarettes, then hop in your car and drive down the neartest highway and just start throwing all that money out the window... because had you smoked for that 6 months you'd still be out that money but your lungs would also be 6 months more fucked... so essentially just throwing your money away is more beneficial... :lol:

* lights a cigarette * :lol:
Ya, but at least you get high from weed(not a user of any drug)... I mean nobody would go to work everyday if they didn't get payed...:lol: further more would they pay them so they could go in and work...ahahaha
Smoking green LM lately aka candy cigarettes. Been smoking all kinds of shit over the years, weed and hash too every once in a while, good stuff!

Smoking > drinking.
weed is not as prejudicial as cigarettes though.

And :lol: @ insiden the shred :D

dude, I didn't cough on my first cigarette, but I didn't feel a damn so I just went like 'why throw money away on this shit?' and never got one again :D
That's exactly why I didn't get any other one. I'm not gonna wait till I'm addicted to feel something, when it's actually absence syndrome :lol: