

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins



PS It's been in the 80s the last few days here. Good for listening to stoner rock, bad for January.
-35 degrees tomorrow, that's without the windchill factor. It was pretty mild today, like -25 it was nice. But the weather as been indeed fucked up going from 4 degrees celsius one week and then -40 degrees celsius the next. WEIDDRED! Anyways, winter is beautiful.
It's been about 0 degreed F here for the week, which is pretty nice. We keep getting tiny dustings of snow, which makes my town look not so shitty. This weekend, we're getting a foot, says the news.
yessss .... we are looking at a huge blizzard this weekend in NY.
I can't wait to shovel my car out for 2 hours.
Heart Attack here I come !!!
We have freezing rain, snow, everything bleh here. It takes almost twice as long to get to work. Good thing I have my CD player.
Marksveld said:
It's been about 0 degreed F here for the week, which is pretty nice. We keep getting tiny dustings of snow, which makes my town look not so shitty. This weekend, we're getting a foot, says the news.
Yep, they say 6-8 inches if it nearly misses us. :grin:
The local mountains, about 30 miles away from me, had over two feet of snow the beginning of this month/year. This week da wimmenz are dressing like they do in summer. WTF.
Me too, but my camera is in the car and that's like 78 feet away.

*insert bright and sunny landscape with snowy mountains in the background*