snare flams and triggers


Oct 24, 2007
anybody got any tips/tricks for doing this right without ripping out one's hair??

triggering a real snare that wasn't recorded so well.

i'm trying to keep the drumtrigger free, so tried everything from ktdrumtrigger to ap trigga to Reaper's delivered stuff. nothing is working 100%. i get one flam sounding pretty good and another craps out.

any help would be appreciated.

You can either automate the settings in the trigger plugin to catch the different parts differently or split it into multiple tracks based on the volume/speed of hits and use different settings on each track... Probably going to have a hard time doing it all with one setting on one track.

The other thing to try is dynamic split in Reaper and get it to generate midi notes for each split point, then trigger from the midi track. That way you can edit the midi notes quickly and easily and add/remove any that should/shouldn't be there.
cool. i've split up other tracks for other difficult situations, just forgot that would be an option here too. thanks, i'll give it a try!
I find to get it right, I have to set the trigger to go for the main hits and bounce it down, then I check the bounced track against the original and manually fix things. Flams tend to not line up quite right even if they get triggered. Then bounce the edited track down. And wallah, no extra cpu power being used by the trigger program and you have a perfectly replaced track.

I also prefer this method because I find that I'll listen to a mix 50 times and have the drums triggering right and then when I listen to the final mixdown a random flam will show up somewhere it shouldnt.
Anyone able to think of a clever way I can manually tab to transient and insert a midi note at that exact point on a new track? I wonder if I make a macro in Reaper for "insert MIDI note on track 4 at current time position"... I think I would way rather do that manually for a whole track and trigger from a MIDI track afterwards then even bother with a replacement plugin...