sneap/richardson snare sound pt 2

Snare down a few db, kick and bass up a few dbs. Kick could use some more attack to cut through. I would have no problem rocking to this as is though, great work! I really dig the guitar tone you got with the God's Cab IRs! Tight playing too btw.
thanks. i actually dig all the levels, maybe could use some more bass in the low end but i love the kick to be prominent in subs so i cut the bass there a little bit. attack on the kick as in eq or dynamics?

i will have to play around with the other irs. i just sorted through a couple of the 57s and was quite pleased after fiddling around with lepou so it worked out quite well for this mix.
Tight shit here!:D

I hear too much clipping for loudness... I really like the mix, that snare is really good!!

haha sweet! yeah i just wanted to impress, if i ever sent anything out i would raise the threshold. working on my sound and then im trying to write an few seriously heavy songs much like the black dahlia murder. i grew up on metallica and theres not quite any heavy riffing around anymore except bands like black dahlia murder and i really miss it. i mean theres thrash bands but they are all that cookie cutter bullshit - example, open riff, 8th fret riff, 7th fret riff, breakdown. i mean, how about some creativity? metal is in a depression and im here to save it. lol.... jk but seriously im looking for the worlds most bad ass drummer so if anyone knows him please send him my way.

for what its worth and old video featuring a song we had literally just written, probably from around late 2007.

im on the left and the other guitarist and i are getting our band back together. hopefully this time when we have shows with aman amarth our douchebang homo straight edge members wont quit again. :cry::cry::cry:

end rant

thanks for the compliments guys! love that the snare reminded you of behemoth! lol :headbang: its a truth custom snare drum sampled with another sample i have.
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hey thanks guys! :)

if only i can get a decent consistent guitar tone! this i probably my best mix yet and everything clicked for this mix. i nailed some sweet tones and drum sounds. working on consistency with diversity. still have troubles dialing in certain frequencies. any body hear anything wack??
REALLY like that snare. As for the guitars, they might be a tad "quacky" for my taste.

thanks man. would you suggest eq cuts or reamp it? that tone is 100% straight from the amp. just a high pass and a low pass, nothing else. i hate messing with eq on guitars but if its going to help it sound better, of course im all for it, but im a minimalist. what frequecies make it "quack" to you? lol.
quack is around 1-2k for me. and yeah, if you brought that down a bit in guitars it would be less fatiguing to listen. overall good mix!

lol.... i had a dream about your post. ill be posting some more material probably the next time i write a cool song so look out for my name on the post. thanks for the feedback guys!