Man Or Ash - Corrosion Of Conformity
Hey thanks for asking bro. Um I'm not exactly sure. My back is messed up and it spread around my shoulder and neck. But it could be from shoveling I don't have any idea. The ferret (Gristle) is the same, he's not losing fur anymore but it's also not growing back. But his personality is normal. I'm saving to take him into the vet.
Oh yeah Happy Spring!!
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Ashes In Your Mouth - Megadeth

Gristle,that's a cool name!I hope it's just from the shoveling.I know the feeling too knees and right shoulder have seen better days !
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Love that song!

Hook In Mouth - Megadeth

Haha I always wait to name my animal friends. He's named Gristle cause it's nasty and nobody likes it lol. He's a little nipper and doesn't go to the bathroom where he's supposed to. When I had two, him and a white one named Zero I had to separate them because Gristle was going all over the bed and food lol

I hope so too, I just have to wait until they test me again which will be a while
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Ya know when I do snow removal @this lake around here,just about every year and I don't know if it's the same one, I see this black minx. I try to get a picture of it,but the cool looking bastard scampers off to quickly lol!

Let's hope your out of the woods my friend!They're saying the tick season up here is gonna be a bad one!!!

Mouth For War - Pantera
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Oh that's awesome dude! I've only seen a mink once and it was like 20 years ago at this nature center around the stream. It was reddish brown. They are freakin cool.
Oh no! Real bad? Look out man! Do you know if they have ticks in Maine?

This War - The Haunted
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This Was My Life - Megadeth

Is Maine one of the places you're thinking about moving to?What's prompting the move if you don't mind my asking?
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Lifer - Down

Ugh so we're in the...cough...danger zone!

It's a posibility, but I'm not sure I want to go that far north. I don't know why but I feel like Maine would have lots of internet problems because of snow lol. Oh man it's long story. To much to go into right now lol
Oh I'm sorry man didn't mean to pry. I think I get the picture though (Relationships)I've been there brother!!!But then again I shouldn't assume,it's none of my business.

Secret Life - Flotsam and Jetsam
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Nah it's cool man! It's just a looong story lol a long shitty story. Let's say people I've helped put a knife in my back ( metaphorically of course )
I've kind of forgotten about that album lol Well not forgotten but I haven't played it in a while I like that song.

I hope you've got something for this!
Secret Square - Flotsam And Jetsam
I've been there too!I literally don't hang out with anyone anymore they're all gone!I understand people get older and all that,but they just weren't the friends I thought they were!!!
That's one of my all time favorites Of Flots:thumbsup:

It's A Secret- Metal Church
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I don't really either lol I have like two real friends left maybe? and I don't really see them. People suck, specially when it's rotten family
Yeah mine too I love that one high note he hits. And that trippy guitar part leading up to it. I don't know how they do that. I might be just whammy but I'm not sure

It lives - Overkill
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I lost four brothers due to the rotten,but my youngest brother I try stay close with but even that seems to be slipping away!Keep marching on man!!!

That is exactly why I dig that tune too!Just something about that trippy section as you said.So mesmerizing!

Living For The Night - Savatage
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Holy crap man that is shit! Is your younger brother the one that plays guitar? This is my older brother and his ignorant girlfriend from buttfuck Nevada pop 5. When this is over I don't ever want to see or hear from them ever again.

Deadly Nightshade - Megadeth
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Yeah he's the one! I am very sorry to hear that man,one can only take so much.But when it's blood,it really does become a very hard thing to accept!I wrestle with it from time to time

Shame On The Night - Dio
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Yes well I molded and sculpted him as far as music goes,now the little fucker has the nerve to say he's surpassed my tastes.He thinks the great shredders of our time are fretboard masterbators,noodling if you will.He just doesn't get it,he can be a closed minded dick sometimes lol!

Sweet Poland track!

Children Of The Damned - Iron Maiden
Uh oh sounds like someone's too ig for their britches lol. A lot of people say that and I don't get it. Did they want Micheal Jordon to not dunk like crazy or Mozart to go half assed ? How about if the Mona Lisa just had a couple lines smeared on it? Theses people have all the dedication in the world to always trying to get better.I really could go on and on lol. Anyone can bend a string lol And feeling is in the ear of the beholder.

Legions Of The Damned - Testament
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EAR OF THE BEHOLDER =Awesome man,that's just great man!Would be a great track title!I just think some people cannot embrace the genre in general and that's ok,but don't shit all over those of us who grew up with it and made it a big part of our lives!

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