Well I'd have to say I do enjoy Unnatural Selection,But overall High wins out for two reasons.One because of the lineup and two for the track "EVERYTHING" whereas those lyrics hit so close to home for me.Especially "When Friends are Friends Close By,How Soon They've Gone Away ".

Kinshasa Highway - Konkhra
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I have to agree I like High better but it's not because of the line up. Gilbert I think should have left after Drift I don't think his heart was in that album and if it was I think I'm glad he left. I do like that album but feel like he was chasing a sound that wasn't theirs. They got very stripped down and the guitars were not as full sounding. But the bass is killer! and of course Kelly delivered, and AK. There are some great tracks I think I do like the whole thing overall. Maybe even more so now that the style of that record didn't really stick around. It's another unique gem in the Flotz catalog. Unnatural certainly had it's issues. I feel bad they left the writing to the new guy lol. Poor Mark! But I like the song Fuckers enough that it kind of makes the whole album worth it to me lol

You really left no choice!

Highway To Hell - AC/DC
Power metal!First three albums are pretty good.If you like that type thing?!!!

Servant In Heaven/King In Hell - Kreator
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I've tried a couple times. Coincidentally I just listened to The Will To Survive two nights ago. I don't know, I kind of see why they didn't make it before lol. I liked somethings about it, mostly the guitar and when the vocals were rough. I don't think I'm really into "Power Metal" as a genre but I do take it on a case by case basis.
It is mostly the vocal style I think. But I liked that kind of stuff more when was a young teenager. If I had found those early Pantera albums when they were new I probably would have liked them. But I didn't come in until Vulger and then I heard Cowboys, and I like Cowboys a lot but if there were more of those high vocals and the music wasn't so heavy I probably wouldn't .

Once I heard Thrash there was little room for much else. Even bands like Maiden slowly got played less and less :eek:. lol I just think Thrash is perfect. No bullshit no gimmicks just people playing their hearts out with honest aggression and pissed at the world! :D

Kill The King - Megadeth
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