I'll be thinking of your snow over the next few days while we are pushing 110F

Attack of the Wrath of the War of the Death of the Strike of the Sword of the Blood of the Beast - Lich King.
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Oh yeah,getting ready to remove it alright!Then off to the cabin for a frigid listening session Friday night!!!How about you,is your girl there yet?
The Cold - Flotsam and Jetsam
Cabin listening session sounds alright:headbang: hope it has a fireplace or wood stove!..or you know..Chuck Billy's Iron Maiden..:p. Not yet, she got delayed because her dad had some health problems. But should be soon.

Cold Embrace - Testament...(nobody like this! used for game purposes only) :rolleyes:
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Holy crap man, it's supposed to get down to - 20 for a few hours tonight

Hand On Heart - Queensryche
Up here it was -24 with the windchill this morning!Had to abandon Friday nights session,only made it to about 7p.m. Due to computer keep shutting down and CD player lens to cold.Had that not happened,I would have braved it!!!
Hearts Will Bleed -M.D.45
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