I've only seen a few snippets of it because it was never aired here. I got into the music because I went on a Gene Hoglan kick and ordered pretty much everything I could that he played on. I was going to download it a while ago but I just don't spend hours in front of the TV and hours is what it needs because I think it was up to six series or something like that.

Mother Mary Is A Bird Of Prey - Powerwolf
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Cartoon Networks "Adult Swim" is weird, you could never figure out the schedule. Plus the episodes are only 15 minutes long. The last season might be half hour episodes I'm not sure. The ridiculousness of the show was funny. A brutal parody that was serious at the same time lol. And lot's of voice cameos. I was pretty shocked when it turned into a real band.

The Audience Is Listening - Steve Vai
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The Dethklok albums are what got me into Brandon Small, that guy is a a dead set legend with his whacked out music ideas.

Listen To The Waves - Ayreon
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Yeah I admit I have really only listened to his stuff that Gene's been involved with in any detail, I've heard some of his other stuff but not given it the same sort of attention.

(Listen To) The Flower People - Spinal Tap
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