Man good memories of being on a road trip to Florida as a little kid. We stopped somewhere down south and I saw the cover (or some part of it) of that Lies cassette. I asked my parents if I could get it...without showing it to them :). It must have just come out. That chick was hot :D

Lifeless Dead - Mad Season
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Haha, I think we only got the cover with the news headlines as song titles in this country. At least that what I remember and I know my cassette has that cover. At the time we were going through not quite complete censorship on covers but the need to plaster everything with warnings and my cassette still has a language warning on it that takes up half the cover of the cassette.

Larger Than Life - Lita Ford.
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Haha, the warnings that just made it more attractive to buy. Did suck covering artwork or hotties though.
I remember there was two versions of Slave To The Grind. One had get the Fuck Out. But I don't remember what the song was on the censored version. It was something wasn't on the other one.

Secret Life - Flotsam And Jetsam
Oh yeah, ou had to have the album with the best warnings, it was like a trophy :) The only real objection I had was that there were some albums here that came out with the warning printed onto the cover so you couldn't even see the artwork out of the plastic case. We might have got the censored Slave here but I don't remember it, I only remember the one with Get The Fuck Out on it. Body Count's self titled album only lasted about 3 weeks in this country before it was re-released without Cop Killer on it.

30 Years To Life - Slash
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The only stickers that worked here were the ones that restricted them from an audience under 18 years of age, but there was only a few albums I remember like that (other than comedy albums) and it wasn't like the stores checked that adults weren't buying them for kids anyway.

Run For Your Life - Twisted Sister
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I know plenty of comedy albums that kids couldn't buy but the main music ones I remember were Cannibal Corpse and Body Count.

Livin' The Life - Steel Dragon
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Oh right I forget that the comedy ones started getting them too.

We even had a few of those top 40 chart compilation albums come with warning stickers at one stage in the late 80's because they had comedy songs on them. Back then the language was nothing like it is today, barely the word shit was used, but songs got to number 1 in the top 40 and those strange companies that make the compilation albums had to put warning stickers on. These days the same songs don't attract any warnings though.

Silent Crime - Anacrusis
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