Metal Church, that's why you're taking Testament slow isn't it, you got Metal Church's album last week and have it on constant rotation!

War Not Words - Indestructible Noise Command.
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You actually got MC? You kept that quiet :p I listened to and I don't think it's as bad as Damned, but it's still not great. I still prefer the latest Annihilator to anything MC have offered.

Winds Of War - Iron Angel
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Yeah I ordered it after the Blitz comment. It is better than Damned. but it still just hasn't much punch. The guitarist is just really lame. No shred and of course the drums could still be way better. But it's ok to just veg out to and maybe take a nap.

This War - The Haunted
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I didn't mind For No Reason, it wasn't perfect but it showed that Kurdt should stop producing. Their cover of Black Betty was fairly average and the Damned sessions songs showed they are definitely working on a different mindset these days because none of them had a ballsy metal feel to them.

Cry War - Kreator
Whats up? My breakfast now that you've arrived :p

I Refuse To Cry - National Suicide

Refuse/Resist - Sepultura