So Bill's out of the band then?

:cry: Ah man that sucks... but i always wondered how long it would last. Does that mean you'll be looking for another guitarist to fill the gap or will the lineup go back to how it was?
I was so looking forward to the guitar solos but Andrea is still a beast on guitar:kickass:. Bill was an awesome addition but the band are brilliant with or without him. Maybe you could get him to do some guest appearences like last time:headbang:
Yeah....sad but true I'm afraid. As I said in the press release the costs involved were just too much to justify the situation and also the time scheduling.

As for the line up...the plan is to continue as a 5 piece (as on the Angra tour in 2007) for the festival dates this year and the new album. Then we will decide as to whether we will get a permanent replacement in or just hire someone for tours. Unfortunately we are not on the road as much as we would like to be so a 6th permanent member at this stage is not essential
Lame. I was really looking forward to hearing him on the next album of one of my favorite bands, since I haven't heard anything of his that I've really enjoyed since Cellador's debut, and that was almost three years ago. Brilliant guitarist, doesn't get the exposure he deserves - then again, at the same time, I think we would've had Cellador's new album if he had stuck with them, and they'd be a lot more popular...

Sigh. Oh well. A damn shame, but the circumstances are understandable. Doesn't mean I'm looking forward to the new album any less, though! :D
so hes left Aquaria, Cellador and now PQ. I don't know what this boy is playing at but i guess it takes alot of balls to leave all these awesome bands. Hopefully he'll find a band that works for him soon.
Are you fucking kidding me?!


I really wanted to see what Bill could bring to the band and haven't seen a single bit of input :( Please tell me there's some studio recordings!

I can see where time and travel is an issue, it's not fair on the band or on the fans...but money? I don't see where finance plays in this, was Bill expecting more or something?

Well, I guess it's Alessio back on guitars then?
I'm guessing the financial issue came mostly from Bill flying from LA to Europe so often.
Totally about travel of course....none of us actually take a wage from PQ unfortunately! lol!

Yeah...Alessio will be on rhythm guitar for the 3 festivals we have this year. Then we will think again about the 2nd guitarist slot...for a tour we will probably want a 2nd guitarist so it may come down to whether it is more appropriate to hire somone or get a permanent member. Depends on who throws their hat in the ring......I never for a moment thought that after Kiwi had left we would be replacing him with Oliver!
Totally about travel of course....none of us actually take a wage from PQ unfortunately! lol!

Yeah...Alessio will be on rhythm guitar for the 3 festivals we have this year. Then we will think again about the 2nd guitarist slot...for a tour we will probably want a 2nd guitarist so it may come down to whether it is more appropriate to hire somone or get a permanent member. Depends on who throws their hat in the ring......I never for a moment thought that after Kiwi had left we would be replacing him with Oliver!
I hear Andiferum's free for awesome bands.