The Big Four!

I dunno if I'll be buying this. It'll prolly be overpriced and I dunno if it would add too much to my dvd collection, when I can see them playing together on Youtube :p
I saw this in theaters and was less impressed than I'd hoped to be.

(... also, I got lost on my way and missed my favorite of the four, Anthrax. ;_;)

Guess you really have to be there?
Would a dvd of such an event be able to capture the euphoria that must've gone through the crowd the minute they all got on stage together, though? I don't think it would, and that would make the dvd worth less to me.
You can say that about any Live CD's and DVD's though. No matter how good they are they can never substitute for actually being there, but they can still be enjoyable to listen to/watch.
Ok I'm sold on this now. Wish I cared more about Slayer but seeing Mustaine, Lars, Kerry King and Hetfield and Tom Araya hug it up on stage is both historic, hilarious and a little beautiful.