So, does anyone here NOT like cats?

metalkingdom said:
:lol: It's kinda true. Humans included.

Amen brother. Only living things allowed to live in my house better be boinking me!

Sorry Dead L, but gross gross gross. And i love being a weirdo. It doesn't stop cats from loving me though. I can never get them away from me. Even WD's cat wouldn't leave me alone.
i don't like em when they're old and cranky.

My boyfriend's cat is almost 20 and he makes a very distinctive meow when he's getting ready to yak. I much prefer that to a cat who's just sitting on your lap and then barfs out of nowhere. :)

I don't have any pictures of my cat, so here's one of my little retard, Link:

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Dead_Lioness said:
BTW, Metalsteph, its ok that you don't like cats. I'll still grab your toosch next time I'll see ya.

Shit, if she keeps talkin' dirty I might have to grab it too. :heh:
Anyone ever been sprayed by a cat? I have. Right in the fucking face. Extremely uncool.
Im new and just got here but sadly im someone that doesn't like cats.. but im kinda alergic to them so its not my fault. I would be a cat person if only my face didnt swell up and make me look like the elephant man every time i came near one.
Dead_Lioness said:
^ not an excuse! My mom is allergic, but she takes meds that monitor her allergies and she keeps a cat! :D

j/k, sorry you're allergic :/

thats brilliant!!! i shall hunt down these special pills then i shall have all the cats i want muahahahahahaha i just got a horrible flashback.. i was watching my friends cat eat via webcam ... very weird.
I had a Ginger Tom cat that was born a few days after me and we grew up together, he lasted until I was 21.

Pickles was his name.

And he is your God Now.
hmm.. maybe you like cats too much. watching them eat food on a webcam is one thing, but worshipping them as a god is ... creepy.


nope, sorry they are both equally creepy, my mistake.

Just as long as sexual intercourse with innocent little Pickles isnt involved, Im not worried.
He used to have a gold-colored collar but I had to take it off...he's a bit clumsy and doesn't know how to weigh his own strength...
It's amazing though; he's only 8 months and already weighs 12 pounds :zombie:
I'm allergic to cats too, but I love them. Wish I could have one :\

writing this post reminded me of a picture I have that I'll stick here when I get home :)