Tattooed by darkness
nothing lame about not drinking....as Larry has said, I also did in my younger days, but shit, now, it's about having a good time that is REMEMBERABLE! I look at alcohol now kinda in the same way as religion, sorta, in that hey, it's cool if you wanna, just don't force it upon meNovembers Paul said:We're a very lame metal band when it comes to substance abuse. No one in the band smokes, and no one really drinks heavily at all. If I'm out drinking, I'll have 3 or 4 drinks all night, tops. For me, it's more medical reasons then anything else. Pain killers and alcohol shouldn't be mixed, and the amount of pills I shovel in on a daily basis is already not at all healthy.
Smoking, on the other hand, well, especially in today's world, I cannot understand why anyone would wanna START smoking. And you can basically say that EVERYONE is a smoker, it's just that some of us are second hand smokers