So here is the thing about VISTA.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
It's bullshit crap.

DVD player just up and disappeared like a fart in the wind. I fixed it after getting ever so slightly frustrated. :mad:

I almost made her buy XP I was getting so pissed.

Seriously MS? Your OS loses a fucking DVD drive? Are you fucking retarded or something?

Even when shit gets shitty in OSX it never DUMPS A FUCKING DISC DRIVE.

End rant. Vista for the lose. :puke:
Seen this happening on a few older Windows versions before, but IIRC it was usually a hardware or BIOS fuck up. Less likely some random driver madness, which happens occasionally... haha.

Don't like Vista though... I was never happier with an OS (including Mac OS, Linux and others) than with my current XP incarnations.

Edit: What was the problem in the end?
That is a bug that is related to hardware-emulation software(Daemon-tools?).

My problem with vista is that it comes with a Remote Registry, which lets people write in the registry through the internet(Password can be bypassed.).
.. But the Remote Administration tools is probably a bit worse. ;)

Luckily enough, you can shut that shit down.
But seriously, why have them activated in the first place?
I'm actually looking forward to windows 7, can you believe that?

I can!
I think Vista was kinda good, it had half of those improvements ive always wanted from Microsoft, and i really hope that they improve those last bits with Windows 7. :p
I heard some excellent lies, it is apparently going to be quicker than XP!

Haha. :lol:

.. But they actually got faster with Vista, its just that you have to have the most über awesome computer in the world to even run the little bastard! :lol:
I was excited about 7... then I heard that they were "improving on the vista platform".... which in microsaft speak means they are gunna ignore the faults and flaws, and give you a fuck load more shite that you don't need.

I wish they would start over again, and aim for...

1) Low resource usage
2) simple interface, easy navigation. (although vista is alright in this respect)
3) Ultimate stability
4) lots of hardware surport, easily customisable

But I doubt it will do any of these things... :(

I was excited about 7... then I heard that they were "improving on the vista platform".... which in microsaft speak means they are gunna ignore the faults and flaws, and give you a fuck load more shite that you don't need.

I wish they would start over again, and aim for...

1) Low resource usage
2) simple interface, easy navigation. (although vista is alright in this respect)
3) Ultimate stability
4) lots of hardware surport, easily customisable

But I doubt it will do any of these things... :(


It would be lame if this deteriorated into ANOTHER Microsoft vs. Apple debate but I have to say that it would be interesting if Microsoft designed an operating system that put them head to head with Apple in that respect.
It would be lame if this deteriorated into ANOTHER Microsoft vs. Apple debate but I have to say that it would be interesting if Microsoft designed an operating system that put them head to head with Apple in that respect.

The odd thing is that Microsoft always had the worlds top notch coders at their disposal, and still never maneged to get Windows right.
I wonder why that is. ;X
Ive just given in on vista now. I ran it for all this year in the hope that I would eventually love it, but i've had to upgrade to XP. All the little niggles eventually did me in, and even on my quad core @ 3.8ghz coupled with 4 gigs of pc 6400 @ 1.056ghz it still ground me down haha.