So I finished recording our song..... what do you think!?!?!?!?

If you knew it needs to be fixed and you knew what needs to fixed in your opinion, why didn't you fix it first and ask after you have fixed the problems? When you have fixed it so that you find nothing to complain about it yourself, I think that is when its time to ask around.
If you knew it needs to be fixed and you knew what needs to fixed in your opinion, why didn't you fix it first and ask after you have fixed the problems? When you have fixed it so that you find nothing to complain about it yourself, I think that is when its time to ask around.


Also could we have it somewhere without myspace sound player. soundclick would be ideal.

Sounds quite good on the myspace though.

If you knew it needs to be fixed and you knew what needs to fixed in your opinion, why didn't you fix it first and ask after you have fixed the problems? When you have fixed it so that you find nothing to complain about it yourself, I think that is when its time to ask around.

Well actually because my guitarist just posted it on Myspace last night and I didnt know, and my ears are I guess you can say not as trained as most of the people on here, so I figured ask them..... thats why.
not to be an asshole or anything, but i didn't really like the song enough to bother thinking about where the mix could be better
Had a quick listen on my work computer - speaker a part of the actual box, so as expected, speaker sounds like shit so I cant really say much about the mix. Only thing I can say is that the kick doesnt translate well to smaller systems like this...
1. Right gtr is much louder than left, makes the mix seem lop sided. I know the right one is playing some leads so it needs to stand out more at those sections but it doesnt need to be such a big difference. Just use automation to add a dB or two when the leads are coming in. Or even just eq it so its a little brighter than the other guitar to make the leads stand more to the front.

2. It would sound much better to have 2 tracks of guitars behind the solo, the single track sitting at the moment makes the whole section sound really empty. Solo is maybe a little to thin and middy.

3. Theres some parts where the vocals seem to dissapear, around 2 mins in, and at the end of the song. Obviously the vocalist isn't going full pelt at these points, so you could do with automating the volume a bit to even it out.

4. Drums need to come up. Particularly the kick. Only one that seems to be sitting ok-ish level wise is the snare imo. Even that could do with coming up a bit. From what I can hear of them the cymbals sound pretty cheap, but then that could be the room. A little high shelving boost in the overhead tracks to bring out some shimmer might help.

5. Guitar tone could be better, I'm guessing you recorded it with the Mode 4 cab? and its fitted with G12-75T's rather than V30's? A change to a Vintage 30 loaded cab would get you alot more definition, tightness and clarity, less of that scooped/fizzy sound that the 75's tend to come with. A tubescreamer in front of the amp would tighten things up further, but then the whole song seems to be based around a looser feel so that might actually work against what you're going for.

Hope some of that helps,
Tune sounds alright to me, I think some better elements would make it a lot more powerful sounding.

Kick, if it was up and in your face a little bit, that would help.

I can barely hear cymbals.

Snare works for me.

Toms could come up a bit.

Vocals could be compressed some more, automated possibly as mentioned. More in your face.

Guitar is a little fuzzy sounding to me. Could be a bit more cutting and tighter sounding. On a second listen, the sound is driving me crazy.

I'm assuming there isn't a bass. Wait I can tell there is one, but it's like the cymbals, you have to really listen for it. A beefy bass would really add to the heaviness.

During the lead, def need rhythm on left and right.

This is metal, more ballsy and in your face!

All my opinion of course. It's a start and I can imagine it turning out cool.
I think a change to V30 speakers would really help you in improving your guitar sound, I've never been able to get a sound I'm all that happy with through 75T's. Throwing a V30 in my Marshall 2x12 made on hell of a difference to my recorded tone.

Did you use the Mode 4 head for tracking the guitars? Tried one of them out at a gig the other day and I have to say I wasn't very impressed.

Gotta agree with crosstalk on the lack of bass guitar aswell actually.
I think a change to V30 speakers would really help you in improving your guitar sound, I've never been able to get a sound I'm all that happy with through 75T's. Throwing a V30 in my Marshall 2x12 made on hell of a difference to my recorded tone.

Did you use the Mode 4 head for tracking the guitars? Tried one of them out at a gig the other day and I have to say I wasn't very impressed.

Gotta agree with crosstalk on the lack of bass guitar aswell actually.

Actually we recorded with Line 6 Spider Valve 112 Tube Amp. I just suck at the whole mixing thing as of right now lol
Bring up the overheads. Attenuate a little around 240hz on the snare track. In my opinion, I think theres too much distortion on the guitars. Its not a problem, but I just feel they could sound less "solid statey". I think the vocals sound fine.
Bring up the overheads. Attenuate a little around 240hz on the snare track. In my opinion, I think theres too much distortion on the guitars. Its not a problem, but I just feel they could sound less "solid statey". I think the vocals sound fine.
See this is where I am having problems is in my guitar tones........ Im not sure why I suck at this SO badly! I am DUAL miking my Line 6 Tube Amp and I dunno, I dont really know how to work compression OR gating or whatever either......
Stick with 1 mic if your not confident yet.

I tried that... sounded worse lol. I mean when YOU record your guitars, whats up? I mean should I make my guitarists change their tones? Or is it in the Noise Gates and compression because im learning that stuff SLOWLY!!! Ive been thinking I might try a couple other things. Either the PODXT way or a D.I using some kind of software.... I was thinking the ReValver MKIII or something. Not to sure yet. I mean shit, Shred, your music (Fallen Fate) Jaw dropping amazing!!! I am no where NEAR that kind of quiality man, your guy's stuff blows my band away, im ashamed to be on the same forum as you and MANY of the other amazing people on this forum sometimes haha but ill keep trying!!!
Also.... please load it up somewhere else.

If you have msn, upload it to windows live skydrive. Myspace sucks teh bawlz.
