So I guess I have to go back to working hard again.

From the second post, I lost track of what this thread was about. You've been slacking from the forum or your job? I dunno what's going on, but I caught that "10%" raise thing so I suppose that's good! Getting paid to sit on a forum rules. :loco:

Yeah lizard derailed this sumbitch quick, I barely even notice anymore I'm so used to everything being off topic. Hey, fuck rules! :loco:
Adrian, that new Version Seven song on MySpace is fucking fantastic man... I've listened to This Old Creek about 25 times this week. All I can say is good work, you've won me over! Now that I am an official groupie, do I have do give you guys t3h sex?
Yes! You do! :loco: I don't even know what new song he put up, the stupid myspace player has been fucked for me all week, haha.

Thanks for the support man, it's much appreciated. We're recording again this weekend, Mr. Miles wrote a fucking KILLER tune just last week, to anyone that likes This Old Creek this one'll just blow you away. Our more metal side will be coming out with this one, I think it's called She Doesn't Want to Die in June.

Should have an EP within the next 6 weeks, or we might just wait longer and do the whole album, we haven't decided yet. We've been taking this process so fucking slowly in hopes to get a drummer along the line, but ehhhh, fucking drummers are so god damn unreliable. I'd say no offense to any drummers on the forum, but you bastards are probably the same exact way. :loco:
Well let me tell you, I am looking forward to this A LOT - and I'm not blowing smoke up your ass. Let me say something else, if I was anywhere near you, I would be playing drums for you guys in NO fucking time.

At home now, okay he uploaded the Mandolin Song, cool. Yeah I had nothing to do with that one, I think it was recorded like 5 years ago. :loco:
Maybe when I move to Canada for college I can drum for you guys... that would rule so hard. Chances of that actually working out = 1 in 23526523456256326466666w32, but hey, you never know.