Footballs back....i have a life again!!!


Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
Patriots champs again.......
West Ham United to win english division one......

whats your predictions Billy ? are you are Giants fan ? .
theres nothing like foottie day kick back a tin, open the crisps (chips) shout at the t.v dont move outta my chair for the whole game only to go for a slash.LIFE IS GOOD AGAIN, for a hour or two i'm living the life with the rich fucker down the road, race, colour, & nationality dont come into it..were all football(soccer or American) fans...then the games over ... i gotta fix the house cause the landlords a bitch, work all week 6am till 9pm cause the boss is a cunt & its the only way to get a decent crust...NO time for a social life..then its weekend again and FOOTBALL and life is great again....aaaahhhhhh happyness..... forget politics FOOTBALL brings people together, I'd even share a brew with a frenchman if he was watching the footie.....well only till final whistle!!!. :loco: .
Lets have some sports talk...who do all you regulars follow???
p.s just checked fixtures & Patriots are away when I visit U.S. so I'm gonna get tickets for the BRUINS never been to the ice hockey going to take my young'ns will they enjoy it ? or should I take them to see the Celtics (bit of a girls game if you ask me)!!!
N.E. Patriots!!!!

They WILL repeat as Super Bowl Champs
The only AFC team with even a small chance of slowing them down
is......The Denver Broncos

As far as the NFC goes....Don't believe the hype around Philedelphia Eagles.
They just got cancer (Terrell Owens) this offseason and will lose in the playoffs yet again....
Don't bet on Atlanta either I guarantee that
Michelle Vick won't finish the season probably with menstral cramps

I like the Vikings!!! Though won't rule out Carolina either

I'm so glad to welcome back football!!! baseball sucks big time!!

nik said:
Patriots champs again.......
West Ham United to win english division one......

whats your predictions Billy ? are you are Giants fan ? .
theres nothing like foottie day kick back a tin, open the crisps (chips) shout at the t.v dont move outta my chair for the whole game only to go for a slash.LIFE IS GOOD AGAIN, for a hour or two i'm living the life with the rich fucker down the road, race, colour, & nationality dont come into it..were all football(soccer or American) fans...then the games over ... i gotta fix the house cause the landlords a bitch, work all week 6am till 9pm cause the boss is a cunt & its the only way to get a decent crust...NO time for a social life..then its weekend again and FOOTBALL and life is great again....aaaahhhhhh happyness..... forget politics FOOTBALL brings people together, I'd even share a brew with a frenchman if he was watching the footie.....well only till final whistle!!!. :loco: .
Lets have some sports talk...who do all you regulars follow???
p.s just checked fixtures & Patriots are away when I visit U.S. so I'm gonna get tickets for the BRUINS never been to the ice hockey going to take my young'ns will they enjoy it ? or should I take them to see the Celtics (bit of a girls game if you ask me)!!!
I can't really follow on the footbal talk because I don't follow it to much but I am a huge hockey fan. I would definitely get some hockey tix when you get the chance it is awesome to see how badass those guys are. I was watching a Rangers game and some dude from the Maple Leafs caught a skate right down the side of his face and it just opened him up. Needless to say he had to get ALOT of stitches! The great thing was that he came back the next period. Hockey players amaze me with the level of toughness they have. Messier is my all time favorite bruiser, he took no shit from anyone and would throwdown in an instant if you fucked with him. Gotta love sports and violence. Boxing is kickass also, Klitchko is amazing boxer! The Klitchko and Lewis fight was so crazy! If Klitchko wouldn't have had that big ol gash above his eyebrow he would have whooped Lewis's ass, it was the only time I seen Lewis scared. Lewis won't even fight him again because of the power that dude has. Did anyone see that fight?
I saw it....I'm not too impressed with Klitchco or Lewis, They fight that
straight up european style that high caliber heavyweights love to see.
And Lewis was scared of Tyson....That's no shit, watch the tape he never
really asserts himself until Manny yells at him for carrying Mike through the

Besides Ray Mercer beat Lewis within inches of his life and the three blind mice at ringside chose to rob him and let Lewis keep his title.

And Klitchco quit in that Chris Byrd fight after being WAY AHEAD...I know he tore his rotator cuff and I know it hurt like hell, but Chris Byrd can't crack an
egg with his punch so the danger was minimal.

There's just no good heavyweight competition at the moment and that's why
I feel like after Tyson sleepwalks through the stiff he's gonna K.O. tonight
He'll end up being heavyweight champion again...I mean with Lewis retired
and both Klitchcos in my opinion at least not in his class, who's gonna stop him?? Ruiz? Please!! Toney?? Not enough power. Jones? Too fucking small...I honestly can't think of anyone.

Enough heavyweight talk though.....If you want to see a fast, brutal K.O.
watch in Sept when Bernard Hopkins executes De La Hoya in about 4 rounds

Also Ricardo Mayorga is gonna make Felix Trinidad remember why he retired
in the first chin having mother fucker!!

I boxed for a little over 7 years when I was in the Army and love the sport to death, It's my absolute favorite!! So anytime you want to shoot the shit
It's cool with me

Do you realize if Danzig had either Ray Mercer or
Mayorgas chin.....We'd be talking about how he killed that fat wigga guy!!

Boxing is kickass also, Klitchko is amazing boxer! The Klitchko and Lewis fight was so crazy! If Klitchko wouldn't have had that big ol gash above his eyebrow he would have whooped Lewis's ass, it was the only time I seen Lewis scared. Lewis won't even fight him again because of the power that dude has. Did anyone see that fight?[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, I don't doubt that Danzig would whip that guys ass in a second match. I have seen Danzig back in the day when he was touring with Sepultura and Ozzy. It was a kick ass show! Max was still with Sepultura it was right after they released Roots. The energy they had was unbelievable. Anyways I am getting off track here. Yeah Danzig is a big short fucker that could probably rip someones head off if given the chance. I just found it hilarious that he got knocked on his ass by a fat wigga bitch in a band called the northside kings. Its just the whole tough guy thing with Danzig that made it funny to me. Like a lot people have said "Karma anyone" BELIEVE me I was not even siding with that shit head wigga in any way(well it probably looked like i was from my posts). They look like a bunch fags to me and I can't say that I am remotely interested in hearing their music. That guy knew he was going to do that shit because he had his buddy bring his camera. so had Danzig been in the right environment and not being harassed by some dickface while he is chatting with his fans and not RIGHT after the show(he looked sweaty and exhausted) he would have decimated him. So there you go Metalhead I said it, Danzig could kick that guys ass. If you wouldn't have been such a shit head right off the bat I probably would of agreed with you. Fuck it I don't give a shit anyway.
As far as that Klitchko fight if it wasn't for that ref he would took Lewis out in the next couple of rounds EASY. I mean I don't blame the ref for stopping it because he had giant flap of skin just dangling above his eye but still Klitchko didn't want the fight to end. He was pissed because he knew he had him. That was the last good fight I seen. I think your right, Tyson will be back. I seen his weigh in this morning and something about him seemed really right. Almost like he knew his prior antics has costed him his career and ALOT of money. I think he will destroy Danny Williams tonight and then just move up from there to the Championship match. I suspect that he has his shit together(at least as much as Mike Tyson can have it together) and he is BACK to his true form. So my prediction is Tyson will stop with the crazy shit and refocus on beating some ass :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I like boxing but I like the UFC better. Id like to see Tyson get in the octagon, if he learned some grappling he would be a force to reckon with. But I think if he got in trouble that he would lose it and kill someone.

As for football Go Steelers.

Hey bro. I didn't mean to get you back on the Danzig thing
The chin comment was supposed to be funny....Nothing more
I was just happy to see someone into the fight game since there's not too
many of us left. Klitchco was well on his way to beating Lewis before
getting opened up....I just don't think too highly of Lewis..

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Oh yeah, I don't doubt that Danzig would whip that guys ass in a second match. I have seen Danzig back in the day when he was touring with Sepultura and Ozzy. It was a kick ass show! Max was still with Sepultura it was right after they released Roots. The energy they had was unbelievable. Anyways I am getting off track here. Yeah Danzig is a big short fucker that could probably rip someones head off if given the chance. I just found it hilarious that he got knocked on his ass by a fat wigga bitch in a band called the northside kings. Its just the whole tough guy thing with Danzig that made it funny to me. Like a lot people have said "Karma anyone" BELIEVE me I was not even siding with that shit head wigga in any way(well it probably looked like i was from my posts). They look like a bunch fags to me and I can't say that I am remotely interested in hearing their music. That guy knew he was going to do that shit because he had his buddy bring his camera. so had Danzig been in the right environment and not being harassed by some dickface while he is chatting with his fans and not RIGHT after the show(he looked sweaty and exhausted) he would have decimated him. So there you go Metalhead I said it, Danzig could kick that guys ass. If you wouldn't have been such a shit head right off the bat I probably would of agreed with you. Fuck it I don't give a shit anyway.
As far as that Klitchko fight if it wasn't for that ref he would took Lewis out in the next couple of rounds EASY. I mean I don't blame the ref for stopping it because he had giant flap of skin just dangling above his eye but still Klitchko didn't want the fight to end. He was pissed because he knew he had him. That was the last good fight I seen. I think your right, Tyson will be back. I seen his weigh in this morning and something about him seemed really right. Almost like he knew his prior antics has costed him his career and ALOT of money. I think he will destroy Danny Williams tonight and then just move up from there to the Championship match. I suspect that he has his shit together(at least as much as Mike Tyson can have it together) and he is BACK to his true form. So my prediction is Tyson will stop with the crazy shit and refocus on beating some ass :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I'm a Tyson fan....In fact I'm probably one of the only ones these days
But if he got into the octagon when Ken Shamrock was calling him out
(Before all that WWF Shit) Shamrock would've killed him!! I hate to admit that
but as long as he didn't get bit....He would've beat this ass!!

As far as the Steelers go, Fuck Duce Staley!!! Ride The BUS!!!!!!!!
Bettis healthy is 100 times better than Duce. And he's crazy cool too!
I'm not a Steeler fan.....But I really like Bettis & Farrior (ex Jet) as well.

The13thCandle said:
I like boxing but I like the UFC better. Id like to see Tyson get in the octagon, if he learned some grappling he would be a force to reckon with. But I think if he got in trouble that he would lose it and kill someone.

As for football Go Steelers.
Sorry chaps, but Tyson.....joke!!!!!!
Danny Williams......also a fucking joke!!!!!!!
Heavyweight hell of a joke!!!!!
I use to like Tyson but his day is gone, I dont know why we all still get excited about him.
Its just like fucking westling big fucking joke :loco: .
I dont even bother watching the pro's any more...
I stick to the footie...but hey each to their own, what ever floats your boat, a punch is as bad as a kick...............

Saturday has started so open the Red & Take it real easy
CoverUinOil said:
that is why hockey rules, there's lots of punchin involved and it doesnt take them 4rounds to get a bruised eye or broken teeth
No sometimes it just takes 60 minutes, Sometimes 90
And sometimes it doesn't happen at all......Shit, I'll take a good Middleweight fight any day!
Wow, I have never been so wrong about a fight, Tyson got smoked. It looks like his fighting days are over. Which sucks for him because a promoter offered a $100M purse for him if he went back up the ranks, which has now been taken off the table. Too bad, it was a very disappointing fight. He didn't look good in any round and got his ass kicked pretty bad. Oh well, what happened to all the good boxers?
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Wow, I have never been so wrong about a fight, Tyson got smoked. It looks like his fighting days are over. Which sucks for him because a promoter offered a $100M purse for him if he went back up the ranks, which has now been taken off the table. Too bad, it was a very disappointing fight. He didn't look good in any round and got his ass kicked pretty bad. Oh well, what happened to all the good boxers?

If there's any truth to him ripping the ligaments in his knee
And to be honest to me it looked like he did.. He wasn't punching with
the same power after the 1st round. Danny Williams has already said
that he'll fight Mike again so it will be put up or shut up time for him.
I don't know if it will make a difference I think he's all done!

Not that it will matter because he was supposed to fight an Irish heavyweight
from Boston for $500,000 then Williams people stepped in and said he'd fight
for $250,000 and the Tyson camp got cheap and went for less money
so in a way it's Murphys heavyweight boxing ALWAYS fight the white guy!!
T_man357 said:
If there's any truth to him ripping the ligaments in his knee

Not that it will matter because he was supposed to fight an Irish heavyweight
from Boston for $500,000 then Williams people stepped in and said he'd fight
for $250,000 and the Tyson camp got cheap and went for less money
so in a way it's Murphys heavyweight boxing ALWAYS fight the white guy!!

Cant quite remember the guys name but he fought & trained and is from England i think its Kevin mcbride or something like that...he moved to Brockton , Mass just south of Boston for insperation or some bollocks like that, if i'm not mistaken he is just as shit as Williams and Williams is shit!!!!!!
Tyson is finished I'm just glad I saw him at his best...and at his best he was the best..

*insperation...for those who dont know Brockton was the home of Rocky & the Marvoulous one...........
You know your boxing man!!! That's definetly a good thing.
Tyson is all done and you're right in his prime no one could touch him.
And it was Mcbride...I drew a blank when I last posted.
Marvin Hagler....Best middleweight to ever put on boxing gloves!
I don't say the same thing about Marciano but he probably was the greatest white heavyweight ever. (That's not saying much though)

You're from England?? Two of my favorite 168 lb S. Middleweights
are from there....Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank....Those guys fought wars
agaisnt each other and others. I wanted to see Toney .vs Benn back in the day but it just never happened.

nik said:
Cant quite remember the guys name but he fought & trained and is from England i think its Kevin mcbride or something like that...he moved to Brockton , Mass just south of Boston for insperation or some bollocks like that, if i'm not mistaken he is just as shit as Williams and Williams is shit!!!!!!
Tyson is finished I'm just glad I saw him at his best...and at his best he was the best..

*insperation...for those who dont know Brockton was the home of Rocky & the Marvoulous one...........
T_man357 said:
You know your boxing man!!! That's definetly a good thing.
Tyson is all done and you're right in his prime no one could touch him.
And it was Mcbride...I drew a blank when I last posted.
Marvin Hagler....Best middleweight to ever put on boxing gloves!
I don't say the same thing about Marciano but he probably was the greatest white heavyweight ever. (That's not saying much though)

You're from England?? Two of my favorite 168 lb S. Middleweights
are from there....Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank....Those guys fought wars
agaisnt each other and others. I wanted to see Toney .vs Benn back in the day but it just never happened.

Dont forget Steve Collins he had some fucking vicious fights with Eubank (reality t.v. star) & Benn (dance DJ).. them two still carry their shit on to this day!! but they dont come close to the fabolous four...Hagler was the man , he now does Italian T.V & comes over to the U.K on sportsman dinner shows I went to one but didnt meet him.. :erk: .
Marciano was good (not un-beaten..fought 2 pro wins then lost amatuer, then went pro again...research it?). I liked JACK JOHNSON, and TYSON..but 50's ZALE,GRAZIANO,LaMOTTA, ORTIZ and all the new york,chicago scene shit nearly forgot ROBINSON...
Now I'm afraid I dont really follow it , even sold my complete fight collection...Champs arnt champs no more...
funnily enough my sons both train ( I stopped due to health...BEER!!!!), my older lad has fought 7 with 5 wins schoolboy amatuer, they really put effort in it & train to win not for pay. Boxers are as a rule great to meet they have a lot of time for their fans a bit like musso's and un like jumped up soccer stars.. I have meet a few boxers over the years...SHAVERS (lives in Liverpool),COONEY,LEWIS (faggot)(not to his face though),EMILE GRIFFTHS (spelt wrong),LaPORTA,COOPER (not alice),ORTIZ (nice wife for a old bird!!), and shit loads of English boxers......
Shit I'm turning into a fucking train-spotter again....
We will ride again!!!!
Damn Nik!! How the hell could I have forgotten Stevie Collins??
Another guy who came to Brockton to be trained by Goody & Pat Petronelli
from Ireland.....I have the fight with him & Reggie Johnson on tape, he got screwed in that decision. I have the two Eubank fights as well and if I'm to be
honest with you I thought Eubank got him in the 2nd one, but oh well he got more than one gift decision in his time (his draw w/ Benn comes to mind)
Speaking of Eubank real quick, did you see his two fights w/ Carl Thompson
at cruiserweight?? total wars!! classic!

Nothing beats the big four in the 80's, Hagler was my favorite(Obviously)
And my hatred for Pussy Ray Leonard can't be measured with existing technology.

I have alot of the old fighters on vhs Sugar Ray Robinson, Jake LaMotta,
Joe Louis (one of my favorite old heavyweights)etc.... My trainer used to
have me watch two old fights a week and pick out there strengths & weakness...It was fun, plus it beat training on that day.

I've met quite a few fighters myself (most recently George Foreman) and you're right....Very humble people who really seem to enjoy meeting their fans
A quick best to worst...The BEST had to be Julian Jackson!! I met him when he beat Agostino Cardomone in Worcester,Ma to get back his WBC middleweight belt...Met Don King that night too. The worst I think was
Terry Norris, not that he wasn't cool about it or anything but you could tell
that he just didn't want to be bothered and that kinda pissed me off.

Boxing really has changed since then and alot of the fighters now are a joke.
But they're some legit scrappers..If Bernard Hopkins can keep his mouth shut and just keep beating people up..He will go done in history as one of the best middleweights champs. Floyd Mayweather too, again he should just shut the hell up and fight...Gatti's calling him out now, that suicide will be long and painful.

Oh yeah and sorry MHFYRD but I was for Horshac in that fight..

nik said:
Dont forget Steve Collins he had some fucking vicious fights with Eubank (reality t.v. star) & Benn (dance DJ).. them two still carry their shit on to this day!! but they dont come close to the fabolous four...Hagler was the man , he now does Italian T.V & comes over to the U.K on sportsman dinner shows I went to one but didnt meet him.. :erk: .
Marciano was good (not un-beaten..fought 2 pro wins then lost amatuer, then went pro again...research it?). I liked JACK JOHNSON, and TYSON..but 50's ZALE,GRAZIANO,LaMOTTA, ORTIZ and all the new york,chicago scene shit nearly forgot ROBINSON...
Now I'm afraid I dont really follow it , even sold my complete fight collection...Champs arnt champs no more...
funnily enough my sons both train ( I stopped due to health...BEER!!!!), my older lad has fought 7 with 5 wins schoolboy amatuer, they really put effort in it & train to win not for pay. Boxers are as a rule great to meet they have a lot of time for their fans a bit like musso's and un like jumped up soccer stars.. I have meet a few boxers over the years...SHAVERS (lives in Liverpool),COONEY,LEWIS (faggot)(not to his face though),EMILE GRIFFTHS (spelt wrong),LaPORTA,COOPER (not alice),ORTIZ (nice wife for a old bird!!), and shit loads of English boxers......
Shit I'm turning into a fucking train-spotter again....