I'm Back Bro's!!! The return of the T-man!!!


Locked & Loaded
Jan 7, 2004
I just want to give crazy thanks to....

johnnieCzech - Coolest mother fucker on this board!!
tom warrior - Gone but not forgotten....Thanks Bro.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep - My favorite Democrat!!
muffytheVampirelayer - Thanks for the backup man!!
Oblivious Maximus - Cryptie!! My favorite young kid....Thanks man!!
bobo'c - Fucking bobo...Seems like you always have had my back at sometime
AKduff - Thanks alot dude!!! I appreciate it..
NIK - Crazy Bastard/Great guy!!! How'd the football tryout go man??
And Deron - Who was cool enough to have a sense of humor when all the other moderators had sticks up their ass!! Thanks for helping me out and being so cool about a really stupid thing!!

And to all you fuckers who had my back in silence...That's cool too!!

It was a stupid thing (Though I thought it was funny) Up until the banning anyway I probably won't be playing that game again...But it's good to be back

All you guys ROCK!!! Thanks for the support!!!

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T-dude glad you are back pal, them crazy antics will get you in bother all the time.Tried e-mailing you at hollowpoint but got returned mail!!!.
Football trial went tops, i made the team!!!! I'm in the offence line up i think they said my position was Tackle!!??!! I line up just behind the line...SHIT i got a lot to learn!!!.played kitted this sunday HIT a few think i like this game.
did you see the Eastman fight?? Good boxing but no doubt of winner (cant remember his name Mosley/Ward I think!!!???shit think i got HIT a bit hard also!!!lol)
Look forward to your posts............ :yow: .

Glad to have you back brother. Yo T I'm gonna see Bloodsimple tonite. I'm totally amped man. I saw Murphy's Law last night and they ripped me a new asshole as usual. Once again welcome back man. Bobby O
They banned T-Man for putting this face:yow: in a bunch of forums. Looks like Deron was nice and let him back though because Tman was initially banned for a month. Welcome back Tman :headbang:
If all you have to do is spam a board with some of these :yow: .... Hell I told Mr. Wu, he had a 2 foot nut tickler on his chin and I didnt get banned for it...I posted a pic of a guy with his own dick in his ass with a caption that said "GO FUCK YOURSELF" on anthrax`s board and didnt get banned for it....

Well, I feel pretty lucky....

One Question for ya TMan, Why did you do it bro?:confused:
Well O/S, I'll tell you.....

I'd like to have a cool excuse like "I was making a political statement" or that
I was just trying to fuck with all the other boards
(Keyword being ALL!! Every board..Be it Band, Label, Country you name it I threw a big eyed smiley on it...And not just one..Look at the morbid angel & iced earth boards)

But dude...In the end it just came down to simple boredom!!!
I had to work on a Saturday I was pissed and needed to blow off some steam and I don't know, This :yow: on all the boards just struck me as funny...
And since I was getting paid anyway...I just decided to hit all the boards with it...No comments, No trolling (Or so I thought) just the smiley and I guess after well over 200 smileys later (According to Deron) another one of the mods with no sense of humor banned me permanently....It was Deron who got it changed (Thanks Buddy) So no more of this guy:yow: for me...Lesson learned!!

P.S. I remember when you had your private jihad with the anthrax forum....
I also remember the shit you pulled in there (Like telling Scott he had a 2 inch dick and the pic) very funny stuff!!!

old school headbanger said:
If all you have to do is spam a board with some of these :yow: .... Hell I told Mr. Wu, he had a 2 foot nut tickler on his chin and I didnt get banned for it...I posted a pic of a guy with his own dick in his ass with a caption that said "GO FUCK YOURSELF" on anthrax`s board and didnt get banned for it....

Well, I feel pretty lucky....

One Question for ya TMan, Why did you do it bro?:confused:
T_man357 said:
P.S. I remember when you had your private jihad with the anthrax forum....
I also remember the shit you pulled in there (Like telling Scott he had a 2 inch dick and the pic) very funny stuff!!!

Jihad...yeah that shit was Hella-fun, :lol:
Welcome back T-Man! I was missing for a few days as well (shitty computer problems), so here we go again! :)
To anyone that cares

You are able to play my music that I posted on soundclick but you have to play it on lo-fi for some dumb ass reason(when you go hi-fi it says the song hasn't been cleared yet?). I am glad that you liked it T-Man!!! The reason we have that vocals kick at 7:10min into the song Implosion is because of the song title. We just kinda wanted the atmosphere to just kinda implode and just have chaos ensue afterwards. Plus none of the guys singing(screaming) aren't vocalists for the most part they always have done back up vocals so this is all kinda new to them. Implosion is by far my favorite song too It kinda reminds me if Melvins(one of my favorite bands) and neurosis were to get into a fight ...Thats what it would sound like. We recorded this at my buddys studio a couple of miles awayfrom me. He is fucking awesome behind the mixing board....He totally knows how to get the drum sound that I want. We have recorded 5 songs altogether but the ones I posted are the strongest of them all IMHO.

Dammnit soundclick cut off almost 2 minutes of my song...So I think I know why you are wondering about the vocals kicking so late into the song now TMan. Man that is bullshit:mad:

Will clear after so many people click the Low-Fi version.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
To anyone that cares

You are able to play my music that I posted on soundclick but you have to play it on lo-fi for some dumb ass reason(when you go hi-fi it says the song hasn't been cleared yet?). I am glad that you liked it T-Man!!! The reason we have that vocals kick at 7:10min into the song Implosion is because of the song title. We just kinda wanted the atmosphere to just kinda implode and just have chaos ensue afterwards. Plus none of the guys singing(screaming) aren't vocalists for the most part they always have done back up vocals so this is all kinda new to them. Implosion is by far my favorite song too It kinda reminds me if Melvins(one of my favorite bands) and neurosis were to get into a fight ...Thats what it would sound like. We recorded this at my buddys studio a couple of miles awayfrom me. He is fucking awesome behind the mixing board....He totally knows how to get the drum sound that I want. We have recorded 5 songs altogether but the ones I posted are the strongest of them all IMHO.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
To anyone that cares

You are able to play my music that I posted on soundclick but you have to play it on lo-fi for some dumb ass reason(when you go hi-fi it says the song hasn't been cleared yet?). I am glad that you liked it T-Man!!! The reason we have that vocals kick at 7:10min into the song Implosion is because of the song title. We just kinda wanted the atmosphere to just kinda implode and just have chaos ensue afterwards. Plus none of the guys singing(screaming) aren't vocalists for the most part they always have done back up vocals so this is all kinda new to them. Implosion is by far my favorite song too It kinda reminds me if Melvins(one of my favorite bands) and neurosis were to get into a fight ...Thats what it would sound like. We recorded this at my buddys studio a couple of miles awayfrom me. He is fucking awesome behind the mixing board....He totally knows how to get the drum sound that I want. We have recorded 5 songs altogether but the ones I posted are the strongest of them all IMHO.


Alright. I was trying to play it hi-fi and was angry at Soundshit! Now I know, but now I´m sitting in front of a comp with no speakers which sucks ass! Gotta listen to it at home!
And it's a fact!!! So display it proud!!

johnnieCzech said:
Alright. I was trying to play it hi-fi and was angry at Soundshit! Now I know, but now I´m sitting in front of a comp with no speakers which sucks ass! Gotta listen to it at home!
So it makes sense to me now T-Man after your inquiry about our vocals kicking in so late into the song. Soundclick cut close to 3 minutes off our song, so it probably sounds incomplete or completely out of place being that there is only about 1min left until the song cuts out. I will see what I can do as far as getting the whole song on there but it is going to have to wait because I was all but ready to smash my computer yesterday trying to convert the songs from cd to mp3's and I really don't feel like screwing around with it again for awhile....Its kinda funny I can crunch numbers like a motherfucker but when you place me in front of a computer I turn into a drooling mongoloid that has no clue as to what the fuck he is doing.
That converting cds to mp3s is a bitch!!
I started using Musicmatch and it does it for you.....so fucking easy....Even the T-man can do it...you should look into it...


MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
So it makes sense to me now T-Man after your inquiry about our vocals kicking in so late into the song. Soundclick cut close to 3 minutes off our song, so it probably sounds incomplete or completely out of place being that there is only about 1min left until the song cuts out. I will see what I can do as far as getting the whole song on there but it is going to have to wait because I was all but ready to smash my computer yesterday trying to convert the songs from cd to mp3's and I really don't feel like screwing around with it again for awhile....Its kinda funny I can crunch numbers like a motherfucker but when you place me in front of a computer I turn into a drooling mongoloid that has no clue as to what the fuck he is doing.