So, I have a gmail account...

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
I was sent an invite, and I set up a gmail account. Other then the 1 gig of storage, im not sure why all the hype. If it's just for 1 gig of email storage, hell, gives away free email accounts with 1 gig of storage for a few months now.

Anyone else have a gmail account, and what do you think?
Did we already have this discussio here, or am I thinking about other boards?

I don't see a single privacy issue with gmail that doesn't exist with every other mail place.
I can't remember where it was that I first read about gmail; it may have been here.

I acknowledge that the majority of information I've received has been quite one sided, but do you know to what extent Microsoft and other free mail service companies build "profiles" for your IP address, and how long they store gathered information in comparison to google?
I can't specifically compare, but if Hotmail stores gathered information for a year and G-mail for 18 months, is there really a difference?

The salient issue involves google's "scanning" of e-mails, which is actually done by Hotmail and Yahoo and everyone else--Google just uses the information to feed you different ads. If there were a worse reason, I think that it would have been cited/uncovered by Microsoft when they launched their panicked anti-G-mail campaign. and yet they just cited the "scanning" thing, knowing that most Internet users would not realise it's not significantly different from what Hotmail does.