So I Hear Splashes Upon My Window Screen...


The Unholy Messiah
Aug 30, 2001
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...and i think, "shit, its raining out, fucking weather bastards." but as i get closer the 'rain' starts to smell different. and here, someone from the floor above me here at the dorms dumped perfectly good beer out their room window, and it landed on my screen.

truely not something you will see everyday..and it makes me wonder what other fun liquids (or solids) are going to hit my window because of these wasteful alcoholics.

*is weirded out*
yeah, its a third floor room, so alcohol is tolerated more up there then on my floor, which SHOULD be substance free. i say this mainly because i had quite a bit of alcohol tonight with some friends and didnt even give that a second look. :lol: