so, i indirectly* got 3 people fired today


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
yeah, some dude was supposed to accomplish a 5-minute task for me 7 weeks ago (he works in our building across town), and today i finally had to say "this dude isn't doing shit because he's an incompetant fucktard" (not my exact words) and the reason i'm drunk tonight is because i feel sorta bad. the one dude WILL get fired, the one chick will POSSIBLY get fired, and the other dude will get his ass chewed out.

this thread is meant for anyone wondering why i quit UM from 8am-5pm M-F. my job like, is important these days. sucks. but then again, i guess it's okay. i really am turning into an old fart. at least i haven't cut my hair or shaved in a long time. :kickass:

what i don't get is that I'M A SLACKER IN LIFE. i slacked majorly through high school (got high and touched boobs the whole time), then in college (scored and drank beeeeeeeeeeer the whole time), and now in the professional life i dick around all day BUT STILL GET EVERYTHING I NEED TO DONE.

time management god dammit, learn them shitz.
Sexy Little Otter said:
what i don't get is that I'M A SLACKER IN LIFE. i slacked majorly through high school (got high and touched boobs the whole time), then in college (scored and drank beeeeeeeeeeer the whole time), and now in the professional life i dick around all day BUT STILL GET EVERYTHING I NEED TO DONE.

time management god dammit, learn them shitz.

hahaha..I can soooo fucking relate to this post.
the funniest part is that all the young people i run into say "you need a haircut" and the old fogeys at work (my parent's age) say "cool, i dig yer hair!!!"

me ma says "it's becase my generation remembers the old days."

the old days of when good music was popular and dudes weren't total fucking fags? yep, i guess she's right.
Sexy Little Otter said:
what i don't get is that I'M A SLACKER IN LIFE. i slacked majorly through high school (got high and touched boobs the whole time), then in college (scored and drank beeeeeeeeeeer the whole time), and now in the professional life i dick around all day BUT STILL GET EVERYTHING I NEED TO DONE.
hahaha...I can so fucking relate to this.

ref the hair...yup, its the old hippies that didn't give me's all the social climbers and backstabbers who make it into some sort of faux pas (sp)
Sexy Little Otter said:
yeah, some dude was supposed to accomplish a 5-minute task for me 7 weeks ago (he works in our building across town), and today i finally had to say "this dude isn't doing shit because he's an incompetant fucktard" (not my exact words) and the reason i'm drunk tonight is because i feel sorta bad. the one dude WILL get fired, the one chick will POSSIBLY get fired, and the other dude will get his ass chewed out.

this thread is meant for anyone wondering why i quit UM from 8am-5pm M-F. my job like, is important these days. sucks. but then again, i guess it's okay. i really am turning into an old fart. at least i haven't cut my hair or shaved in a long time. :kickass:


don't feel bad nad ... they probably had it coming, you just called them out on it. a lot of todays workers are either slackers or like you said, complete spazzes that cannot manage their time.

you will probably get promoted again :grin:
I really don't think the long hair thing = no work/minimum wage is nearly as true as people say. I've seen plenty of lawyers, doctors, and a MEGAZILLION Software Engineers etc etc with long locks and those arn't shitty jobs by any means.