So I just dished out £170 on Steven Slate Plugins...


You guys wanna know what I managed to achieve in a single evening using Steven Slate's FG-X, VCC and VTM plugins?

BEFORE I invested in some SS plugs:


Obviously it still needs some work, more than likely all over etc... but what do you guys think of the mix / master in general?

WORLDWIDE you guys should hit up

Ask for Dale Chapman and tell him that Joseph Parry sent you. He will do you some AWESOME deals on Steven Slate plugins / other gear.

Put it this way... The plugins I bought SHOULD have cost £280... I was staring at £170 total. I can't promise the exact same discounts as me (as I'm brand new to his service etc) but I know he'll cut you a decent deal if you are referred by me ;)
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I own all the slate plugins...and they are a great investment. As you've noticed, they really add some shine to the mix. I also recommend the VBC if you didn't pick that up. The harmonic saturation that is added to the mix sounds awesome. You don't need to put any compression settings on....just switch the rack on lol

Ok, i hate to be a prick about this but the plugins are always on sale. The total cost of those 3 plugins on the slate site cost £165 if you buy them now. You can also get the ilok dongle for about £10 if you buy from the slate site...but the priority shipping from the US usually cost £15-20 if you buy outside the US....stil cheaper than buying a dongle in the EU though. So you've paid exactly what you should be super deal there ;)

Never pay full price for slate plugins. They always claim the retail price is almost double of what they sell the plugins at. That practice alone is a bit dodgy. Then every 2-3 months they do 25% off, 50% off etc...

There are a few discount plugin sale sites. The market is heavily manipulated with this shit so it's a waiting game. I had my eye on Fabfilter bundles for ages. I even sent a nice mail to the company asking for a discount voucher since I had seen them on sale many times in the past but weren't interested in them. I got a mail back saying they couldn't provide me with a discount. Hell, if they had given me a 15% voucher I would have bought it there and then. Instead i didn't bother and left it. 1 month later they had a 50% off 10 year anniversary sale lol
Nice! When I looked yesterday the total on the site came to £166 without iLok and about £180 with, then you add shipping and you're looking at a total of £200 then customs charges... So you're looking at a minimum of £200 ATM AND having to wait a week. Whereas the £170 I paid two days ago got me the plugins instantly and iLok delivered the next morning.

Everywhere else in Europe couldn't compete, closest was Thomann.

You're not being a dick, thanks for pointing it out! Still think I got a decent price with next day delivery vs the competition in the eu. :D
If you got the iLok in that price then you did well! Since you didn't mention it then I assumed you already had one.

I got mine delivered to Sweden within 3 days from the US , so that's pretty fast. There were no customs charges. They had written "Gift" on the package, so i guess that was why.

Slate have a new plugin out soon called VMR. I hope it will be ready come September. It's around delayed over 2 months since the May announcement - give that it was "a few weeks away" from being ready!

I like the Slate stuff....they don't offer still need a good mix to get a result but they add a polish I haven't achieved in the same way or as easily before.

Another good one to check out is the Sonimus Britson .... I experiment a bit by using either the Britson or VCC on my drum mix and then use the opposite plugin for everything else. Other good cheap plugins that work wonders are the Sonimus Sweet One and the T-Bone (final version of the Tilty-Wilty - wish they had kept that name haha)

Btw, if you haven't noticed already by RCTube is in the VCC so don't bother purchasing that. Also, if you have ever need drum replacement then Trigger 2 works amazingly well, even on fast toms and kicks.
If you got the iLok in that price then you did well! Since you didn't mention it then I assumed you already had one.

I got mine delivered to Sweden within 3 days from the US , so that's pretty fast. There were no customs charges. They had written "Gift" on the package, so i guess that was why.

Slate have a new plugin out soon called VMR. I hope it will be ready come September. It's around delayed over 2 months since the May announcement - give that it was "a few weeks away" from being ready!

I like the Slate stuff....they don't offer still need a good mix to get a result but they add a polish I haven't achieved in the same way or as easily before.

Another good one to check out is the Sonimus Britson .... I experiment a bit by using either the Britson or VCC on my drum mix and then use the opposite plugin for everything else. Other good cheap plugins that work wonders are the Sonimus Sweet One and the T-Bone (final version of the Tilty-Wilty - wish they had kept that name haha)

Btw, if you haven't noticed already by RCTube is in the VCC so don't bother purchasing that. Also, if you have ever need drum replacement then Trigger 2 works amazingly well, even on fast toms and kicks.

Wow thanks for the name drops man!!! I'll check those plugins out for sure! I really enjoy the Slate stuff as you said, it helps bring things out like you may have to achieve without vastly more knowledge beforehand etc. Great plugins!!!

Thank you for the responses, it's great to learn about new stuff!

Yeah you can get a fair few deals from the States if they send it as a gift, but I really didn't want to risk it with customs, plus as you said I didn't have the ilok etc so time / impatience played a factor also! :D