So, I saw Gojira in Brooklyn tonight...


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
EDIT: Mind my spelling error in the post title. It's supposed so say in not im.

All I can say is wow. The show was unbelieveable.

The first band, I don't even remember their name. They weren't great.

The second band, Burst, was awesome! I had never heard of them before tonight and they put on an awesome show. Very different than most metal bands today. They were a mixture of folky music, with a dash of King Crimson, a touch of Killswitch Engage (the singer screamed like him) and a pinch of Moonspell. Regardless, it was very unfortunate I saw them this late in the game; this is their farewell tour. They were a bunch of wonderful guys who put on a great show.

For Gojira, I have never seen any band perform live with such vigor, accuracy and power. If you have a chance to see them, DO IT. The songs were even more amazing then they were recorded on disc, which is quite the rarity in today's world. Most bands put on a good, or lackluster show; Gojira brought their A-game, 100%. At the end of the show the whole band jumped off stage to get closer to the crowd, shook as many hands as they could and jetted off. Mario Duplantier (the drummer) gave me a nice brisk hug as well. I would say that's a pretty nice gesture from someone you don't even know!

The setlist was: 1. Oroborus 2. Backbone 3.Ocean Planet 4. Remembrance 5. The Art of Dying 6. Where Dragons Dwell 7. Flying Whales 8. Toxic Garbage Island 9. Vacuity (I may have forgotten one song)

Here are my physical reminders of the night:

The Stub:

The Shirt:

The Stick! (guess who it's from :))
I'm open to all types of music, but they put on an "obnoxious" show. I'm aware that a large part of it had to do with the soundman being lax (the band, HURT the ears- you could not enjoy them), but the music really wasn't intelligible to me.
That's a problem more often than not with doom bands. I don't think most sound guys know how to handle a wall of fuzzed out guitar and bass. Usually the better sounding sets have very little besides drums and vocals running through the house system.
All I remember from seeing Gojira a few years ago was being totally blown away. Heaviest, tightest, most massive sounding band I've ever seen. And that was with the usual treatment of the headlining bands getting to be louder than the openers which they were. I wasn't a fan whatsoever before seeing them live.
Burst is fucking beastly

Ill be hitting this show up shortly, then hitting up some of those Metallica, dates, too. Should be cool.

BTW, as far as a song or two you might've missed... I think To Sirius is always on the list.
Going to see them Oct 6th @ Pop's music in St. louis, If any sneapsters are going to attend this show, hit me up and i will buy you a few beers and after the show i will be going over to Larry Flint's Hustler Club. :headbang:
Ok, you've gotta tell me.... how do they play the start of 'Toxic Garbage Island'!!??

You mean perform it, as in guitar/bass/drums? I could tab it for you/send you midi.

If you mean how do they start the song, it's with the eerie backing track thing leading out of Oroborus and then Mario does some drum fills mimicing the guitar riff.
I was at the Brooklyn show too. Burst is one of my favorite bands ever. I was so glad I finally got to see them after all these years. It's sad they are breaking up. The funny thing was they seem like the nicest most down to earth bunch of guys and they write amazing music that's a combo that isn't common enough these days.
I saw Gojira back in '06 open for LoG. I hadn't heard of them before the show. I was completely blown (away), the drummer was so fucking tight (and wet). That opened my ears to a whole new level of heavy.