So I took a knife and fuckin' did it :::GORE INSIDE:::


Apr 20, 2005

So fucking what? Cry me a river...

(Yes, It's an heart breaking experience)

Eeeew at the dust inside btw...

Did it make a difference? I believe so but I have no evidence yet.
Didn't we just have a huge thread were guys were actually backing off the speaker and not trying to get closer? (Adam D thread???)
man that's ugly.. haha

also, if you get any closer to the speaker, the coils in the mic will directly couple with the magnetic flux produced by the coils in the speaker!

which by the way doesn't sound so hot.

You guys wanna make me go FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
If it's good enough for the big names, it's good enough for me.
Not that I can really compete yet nor I am pretending to.
Of course I won't put the mic as close as 0.5 inch, I was just trying to answer Kev's question.
I have the feeling that there's a sweet spot slightly further than the frame tho.
And that's really interesting.
About the hf, well at least I can choose If I need them or not.