So I Want to Use Bloodbath as a "Gateway" Band, So Help Me Out!!!


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
So I've always tended to like BM and DM that had a melodic twist to them, for DM, bands like Opeth, Edge of Sanity, Agalloch, stuff like that. For BM it would be Ajattara, some Dimmu, Alghzanth, Arcturus, and of course the mighty Diabolical Masquerade. But now that Ive heard the "old-school" madness of Bloodbath, I'd like to get into the classic, or straightforward kind of death metal, stuff like Morbid Angel, Entombed, and bands like that that I've always never really been into. So by liking Bloodbath, I'd like to give bands like Bloodbath that they're imitating/parodying a try.

Favorite tracks off the new one would probably be Brave New Hell and Outnumbering the Day, and I've read that Carcass is in along these lines, and if so, which album? And are there other bands that have this heavy, brutal style?
um, go with "heartwork" by carcass, it's pretty close...maybe work your way backwards from there; their previous stuff is a bit grindier and less melodic than bloodbath
Ajattara does feature Pasi, and he does some of the best vocals I have ever heard by him. They blend the lines between death and black metal, and dark metal's really a good name for them. I suggest checking out Katumuksen Kyinen Koura to see what they're all about.
Awesome, thank you.
Does he sing in Finnish?

Master_Debater said:
Ajattara does feature Pasi, and he does some of the best vocals I have ever heard by him. They blend the lines between death and black metal, and dark metal's really a good name for them. I suggest checking out Katumuksen Kyinen Koura to see what they're all about.
Eleria said:
I wasn't that impressed with Ajatarra. Big fan of Pasi though.
I haven't heard much of them, that might be the problem...

Ajattara's such a cool band! The lyrics and vocals, despite being in Finnish (which I can't understand), are catchy as hell! All I know are the translations of the first two album titles: Itse (Self) and Kuolema (Death). Isn't all this in an old dialect of Finnish?
<crimson> said:
i used to like goatwhore, until i realized they wrote the same song 30 times :lol:
"The critics accused us of making the same album over and over a dozen times. That's a dirty lie! The truth is that we've made the same album over and over 14 times." -Angus Young