About me leaving Bloodbath

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Hi there!!

I figured there would be a lot of questions
circulating about "me out of Bloodbath" so
I just would like to make a few comments
before the rumours kicks in.

I recieved an email from Blakkheim today
where I saw that my services as a member of
Bloodbath was no longer required.
I Must admit I didn´t see that one coming!!
But... can totally see what the other guys
are thinking about.
(Tried to do the same to the E.O.S. guys in 97
.......but that one backfired pretty badly..ha, ha!!)

Blakkheim and Jonas are touring musicians,
living off their metal and I would just be
"in their way" with the constant
"Sorry I can´t go on tour because bla bla bla", that´s cool..

Concerning the musical differences, I am a bit confused.
As far as I can remember,
I haven´t even discussed the direction of my
future Bloodbath tracks.
The announcement say that I tried to get
Bloodbath in a Moontower/Crimson direction...that is not right...

I have toyed with the idea to make a new album,
using my own name, and revisit the
style of those albums...oh yes...
what is a bit funny is that I actually wanted
to write a bit more brutal songs for
Bloodbath the next time.

I got inspired by working with the Coldworker
album and the urge to write some complex,
fast fucken brutal death came creeping back.
(I have not always written TRL-Death Metal u know..
Infestdead and some of the early E.O.S.
material is kind of brutal, isn´t it???)

Anyway. I just wanted to clearify
that I was NOT trying to pussify Bloodbath
and therefore got kicked out...
where this rumour came from and how the guys
(without asking) just decided that I was on a
different level musically..remains a mystery.

I wish the guys all the best and hope they ask
nice if they can play my songs live for you
guys :)

Dan Swanö

Thanks for all the greatness you have created with Bloodbath, it will forever be MY favorite. I am sure fans around the world will miss your fantastic work.
kicking dan out of bloodbath. lol
dan you rock and i hope you won't be taken down by things like these.

i'm glad i had the opportunity to see bloodbath WITH dan in wacken and see him perform this incredible work from a five meter distance.

R.I.P somehow
Open the lines of communication and let's all forget about this and act like it was just a BAD DREAM! (I wish) :(
Tumn said:
Open the lines of communication and let's all forget about this and act like it was just a BAD DREAM! (I wish) :(

I agree, its never too late. But i guess the lack of time is the big problem here.

Jävla skit! :(
Yeah, this sucks.

Jävla synd att det här var tvunget att hända :(
Lycka till med dina framtida projekt i alla fall Dan!
Well good luck to you Dan. Horrible to see things like this happen, but life goes on. Hails to the rest of Bloodbath's and Dan's careers!!!
Bloodbath is dead for me now.. there's no even reason to see them live if there's no Swanö & Åkerfeldt. It would feel like some cover band playing :(

Looking forward to Moontower II OR Crimson III :)
Zed Leppelin said:
Bloodbath is dead for me now.. there's no even reason to see them live if there's no Swanö & Åkerfeldt. It would feel like some cover band playing :(

Looking forward to Moontower II OR Crimson III :)

WTF dude!! Bloodbath is allmighty Jonas and Blakky too!! Blasphemer!!!!! :puke:
Cerulean said:
WTF dude!! Bloodbath is allmighty Jonas and Blakky too!! Blasphemer!!!!! :puke:

but dan was also a part of the band.
and who wrote brave new hell, eaten, cry my name, the ascention?
All the killer songs?

i'll too, focus now on the upcoming project dan will be invovled with...