About me leaving Bloodbath

Ok so Mike wasn’t in the line up and now Dan....

After reading the post on the official site I’m kind of glad. It just sounds like the current line up in Bloodbath are unprofessional, ego driven and well… teenager-ish.

It was extremely amateurish to make statements about what "exactly" the “deferring directions” were. And to state such claims as fact is a bit “he said, she said” if you get my drift. Professionals refrain from such things and would have been a lot more tasteful. Then again professionals ring up their band members (AT LEAST) to tell them they aren’t in the band anymore.

To also go as far as to shit on the auditions (from their fans) is a level of audacity expected on a myspace band. Mature adults don’t even do this. Smart people don’t do this. ANYONE NOT WANTING TO SOUND LIKE A SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD DOES NOT DO THIS.

These “touring musicians” Dan, are obviously not worth it. They conduct themselves like kids in a shit fight, yes that’s right, a fight of shit.

August the 2nd 2006, mark it people because Bloodbath is dead.
Sad news indeed. First Akerfeldt and now Dan Swano. I've always been a fan of Swano's writing the most in Bloodbath, so I guess their new direction won't appeal to me much. I also think it kinda sucks the Kata guys came to the assumption that Dan was pussifying the band without even talking to him, but whatever. Good luck to Dan and BB in their future endeavours. I'll personally stick with Dan's efforts...
if bloodbath ever performs at a concert, i really hope they can still play eaten, cry my name, brave new hell etc. dan seems to suggest that he might not allow this unless "they ask nicely".
Man, this is a HOOJ bummer.

I hope you guys all stay friends etc. You had a great run, I truly hope you all manage to find a way to make it surface again someday.

Respectfully H
Bloodbath, for me, was a band of top quality musicians who got together to produce high quality music. If infact they are going to replace Dan or get another vocalist then the replacements are going to have to be of equal or better quality to what they're replacing and imo, that's going to be extremely hard to achieve. So imo, Bloodbath is dead unless they pull something out of the fire and I feel as though the chances of doing so are slim.
Guys, guys, read the official post. It says "his future vision for Bloodbath's concept proved to head in the almost opposite direction as his desire for death metal was to be of a less brutal kind". They never said he was pussifying their sound, they said that where Dan wanted Bloodbath to go was the opposite of where Dan wanted his "less brutal" music to go. Apparently, the band thought these two opposite ideals were weighing Dan down and that it would affect the band negatively.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if Bloodbath never toured. If they kept releasing albums as brutal as their first two, then I wouldn't be happier. I think Dan, even with his true taste in music "almost the oppisite direction" as Bloodbath, would have contributed positively to the brutality of Bloodbath in the future.

That said, I stand by Bloodbath and whatever they do, because I love what they have done and I have faith that whatever they do in the future will kick my ass even more. I will say, however, now that it seems like Blak and Renkse are taking things more seriously, I am fully expecting many more albums and many more live appearances. Don't let me down.

Edit: I realized I may have misread what I quoted above... opposite of what? Anyway it doesn't change anything I posted.
Dan had no intentions of making less brutal music with Bloodbath, he even told me he was really ready this time to give it a go. It's miscommunication or lack of it.

I will never be satisfied with the decision the rest of the band made, but I will have to accept it.
well... it was beacause of dan that i first contact with BloodBath stuff.. now BloodBath is my fav band.. thank u dan.. ur name is already imortalized in BloodBath.. good luck to u

now.. THE SHOW MUST GO ON!! hurry up guys.. BloodBath tour at 2007!!
FromHereToDeath said:
Bloodbath, for me, was a band of top quality musicians who got together to produce high quality music. If infact they are going to replace Dan or get another vocalist then the replacements are going to have to be of equal or better quality to what they're replacing and imo, that's going to be extremely hard to achieve. So imo, Bloodbath is dead unless they pull something out of the fire and I feel as though the chances of doing so are slim.
they did not find anyone , that's why the auditions were closed, and as it was told before, no one will ever outdo the previous musicians...:erk:
Same as on the Swwanö page: I'm actually not going to read all 3 pages. I like the Breeding Death mini, but for the rest Bloodbath is not that much a deal for me. Though it's a bit of a pitty the other members (of which I do like their other bands) reacted that way. Swanö #1!