Peter leaving bloodbath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cerulean said:
Uh now you're confirming my 'so wrong' comment :lol:
Cos first you said Mike CAN go as high as Peter

LOL! My bad, i meant CAN'T reach the highs. But i have yet to hear anything, live or recorded from Peter that can compare with Mike's depth. Peter always has that hint of high in his sound (which i find good, but i find the best death metal is pure growl). Again, Peter is one of my idols, and I agree he's different, but his growl isn;t as good as Mike's...and yes, this would make for excellent bar talk.
Mike is good but I think Peter is just better at vocals over all(growls), eaten kinda blows away alot of the RTC stuff, He sounds so sick, like a perverted psychotic half demon/ half man.

I prefer Peter Any Day of the week over Mike.