About me leaving Bloodbath

Deathdelirium1013 said:
damn man... im a big fan, im bummed i wont see you in concert at all now... talk to them about comin to Rochester, New York soon... Me and everyone else up here would love to have a hardcore band such as Bloodbath touring in our town... If yall can do a show here, do Darien Lake Performing Arts Center or Waterstreet Music Hall...

what in ur mind even makes u think they would come to buffalo/rochester area...lol. There not even a touring band at the moment...and hardcore band?? how dare u call the metal elite HARDCORE! i outta drive the 1hr10m to rochester and kick ur ass myself! lol or maybe ill get some people to do it for me i know up there...hmmm :D *BY THE WAY, u might see me around rochester shows anywayz...i always wear the Breeding Death tshirt to shows in Buffalo/Rochester :p*

Darien Lake is closing down next month as it is *who knows whos gonna have ownership of it after Six Flags drops them next month* so there aint gonna be any use for the Concert area

If u want, go to the Toronto Katatonia show *closest u will get to Anders and Renske if u ask me* and talk to Blakkheim about shit like i will :p And Water Street is just WAY to small for a venue...Penny Arcade is alot better *in rochester at least* :) If anything they should come to buffalo XD
well, u gotta understand the area here in western ny...

all we ever get around here is crappy hardcore bands and shitty emo bands. whenever a good band comes around, they go to toronto then they skip right by buffalo/rochester and go to cleveland, oh. The guy probably suffers from to much hardcore influences over the years that he cant tell metal from hardcore music...lol
True I just think its pretty crap that Swano has been kicked out. But Bloodbath will still rule and I will still buy their albums if they come out
Well, when I first read the news about Bloodbath kicking Swanö I was blown away. How can you kick one of the most brilliant metal musicians in this world?
It feels kinda fucked up, and when Swanö later posts that nothing is true of what Jonas and blakkie has said. What can I say? Its not my decision to make and well... It sucks big time, but on the other side we dont know all about it.

If Jonas and Blakkie wants to keep Bloodbath afloat without Swanö, its their decision. I´m gonna buy the next album but if it doesnt sound as the 2 already released albums does or if it sucks, Im gonna leave it to that. Its no meaning to get pissed of at the guys. Of course we the fans would like to see Swanö in the band and the most of you wanna see åkerfeldt as well, but in the end of the day its up to Jonas and blakkie what they wanna do. I really hope that they have a plan cause at this moment they have no guitarplayer and no vocalist, and well, that sucks.

Well well, what tha fuck can I say?!

everything you touch turns to gold- in my opinion. I hope you don't feel that leaving Bloodbath is a big loss. You're extremely talented and original, and the sky is the limit for you. Can't wait to see what albums you'll put out next- I know I'll buy it!