Dan Swanö out of Bloodbath

Alot of Porcupine trees 'weird' sounds very forced to me, I cant tell if SW seems to feel like he has to do those sounds. It doesnt feel as neccesary to the song as it perhaps should do. Just one of those things that annoys me with PT, Plus that their live show is pretty mechanic and not as much improv stuff id like to see.
dan has always been able to multitask and pull off great work in several different projects. he's always said he put his 100% attention into one project at a time.

how 'bout 1995? three great albums that year:
edge of sanity - purgatory afterglow
unicorn - emotional wasteland (aside from a couple of :erk: tracks)
nightingale - the breathing shadow
^^ wrong. Crimson II is awful when compared to I from which it basically steals half its riffs(continuity or whatever excuse might be given for it).

Btw, who wrote Death Delerium and Bathe in Blood?

For the record, RTC is by far my favourite death metal release and led me to check out stuff by Dismember, Entombed, Grave etc, none of which have impressed me much. Its lyrics are brilliant too :D
spigot said:
^^ wrong. Crimson II is awful when compared to I from which it basically steals half its riffs(continuity or whatever excuse might be given for it).

Btw, who wrote Death Delerium and Bathe in Blood?

For the record, RTC is by far my favourite death metal release and led me to check out stuff by Dismember, Entombed, Grave etc, none of which have impressed me much. Its lyrics are brilliant too :D

spigot said:
^^ wrong. Crimson II is awful when compared to I from which it basically steals half its riffs(continuity or whatever excuse might be given for it).

Btw, who wrote Death Delerium and Bathe in Blood?

For the record, RTC is by far my favourite death metal release and led me to check out stuff by Dismember, Entombed, Grave etc, none of which have impressed me much. Its lyrics are brilliant too :D

post of the year. god what a worthless human being.
it´s called an OpInniONn. anyway haven´t listened to any old skool DM besides Morbid Angel and Bloodbath so I´m pretty noob in the genre...