So I'm thinknig about buy a Fractal Audio Axe-FX...

Oh yeah definitely i mean you still get all the essentials and you can still create amazing effects with it! Read the manual, honestly it's not even that big and it explains EVERYTHING and all the parameters.

All the firmware updates so far have given both units equal updates i.e the same new amps etc.

I imagine they will be revising the manual though in line for 10.0 so wait for that, because it'll probably have a new description for it's presence control.
That's one thing I have been curious about myself. If I were to get into the AxeFX Standard, what would I be missing out on/not be able to do? If it's just CPU power and I hardly ever use any kind of effects (maybe things for lead tones but typically I run those things in post as an insert and not in the loop of the amp/in front of it) I imagine I could get by with the Standard.

Just CPU and Ram really. There are some additional "synth" type of effects, but other then that the Amp / Cab / Mic sims are all the same.
Wow, your argument amounts to the level of faeces that floats on my toilet after a curry.

Its still stands that you are dogging on an amp you dont even own. Trying it out in a store is not "trying out an amp". Granted I dont own an Axe-Fx (yet) BUT I have spend a fair amount of time tweaking it, and getting good usable tones out of it. My friend owns one and we spent hours at my studio getting tones.

For those of you thinking this is a tube vs AxeFx thing it surely is not as I have stated multiple times in this thread, it sounds great.

As for the shit I am giving this guy, its cause hes just another one of these 5150 III sucks cause "eddie" playes it guy. I dare this guy to use one and get a shitty tone out of it.

5150 III slays all!

(edit) of course thats if the 5150 sound is what your going for ;)
Its still stands that you are dogging on an amp you dont even own. Trying it out in a store is not "trying out an amp".

As for the shit I am giving this guy, its cause hes just another one of these 5150 III sucks cause "eddie" playes it guy. I dare this guy to use one and get a shitty tone out of it.

5150 III slays all!

(edit) of course thats if the 5150 sound is what your going for ;)

a) I'm pretty sure it is given that I was there tweaking that amp for at least an hour.
b) I never said anything about eddie so I don't even know why you mentioned it.
c) I'm done with you, so leave it.
d) Uberschall > > > 5150 III
d) Uberschall > > > 5150 III

And, for my final number in tonight's performance

I took the Ultra over the small one, because I liked the idea of having some more Headroom of CPU and RAM. The limits will be hit later on that unit. And its still cheaper than some Amps ;)
Cool. Thanks for that link. There is a pretty wide variety of tones there assuming they're using the axe-fx for everything.

I have it on a reliable source that it was either all axe fx or at least 99%. Wouldn't really surprise me if it was Tymon that turned Paul to use the Axe fx since he used to use line 6 and now also uses Axe fx. Cynic demo was also axe fx and they currently use it live.
For example, I think that bands like Periphery/After The Burial/Veil of Maya (all of which I like) could easily work really well with a Sneap style 5150 modern metal mix... but most of the people into that stuff are too caught up on axe-fx this, superior drummer that, meshuggah this, djent that, blah blah blah.

I mixed After the Bural's Rareform Remix and I agree with you. I have been trying to get those guys to go the "Sneap" direction for years, but they just really like that djenty tone. I guess it's just what's in style right now? It's kind of interesting because Justin loves that Machine Head album The Blackening for tone. I'd say a Colin Richardson mixed album is a great place to start!
I just ordered an Axe-Fx and it is coming in the mail tomorrow! If anybody is looking for some bands that use it, check out Periphery and Animals As Leaders. Their entire albums were recorded with the Axe-Fx. Those cd's alone sold me, I have been using a Pod xt Live for the past 6 years and I've gotten some pretty solid tones with it. My favorite setup is bypassing the cab, send the output to the effects return or the power amp input of my amp and into my cab. The tone is pretty damn good. I can only imagine what my Axe-fx will sound like in this setup.
I just ordered an Axe-Fx and it is coming in the mail tomorrow! If anybody is looking for some bands that use it, check out Periphery and Animals As Leaders. Their entire albums were recorded with the Axe-Fx. Those cd's alone sold me, I have been using a Pod xt Live for the past 6 years and I've gotten some pretty solid tones with it. My favorite setup is bypassing the cab, send the output to the effects return or the power amp input of my amp and into my cab. The tone is pretty damn good. I can only imagine what my Axe-fx will sound like in this setup.

The sounds on those two albums is what is keeping me away from stuff like the Axe FX.
The guitar tones on both those albums don't glue to the mix anywhere near as well as the best stuff done with real amps and mic'd up cabs.