So is Edge of Sanity Still Active or What??!?!


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
I'm getting mixed information on this, I gotta know if there's gonna be a Crimson 3! I just checked out he second one, and it is EXACTLY to type of stuff I'm looking for......

I know Dan kicked out members and brought in his own crew for the Crimson II album, but have they stuck together?!?!

As much as I'd love a Crimson III, I read that Dan wasn't going to use the Edge of Sanity name anymore so I guess there's no more EOS.

I could be wrong though
What info have you been reading? If I'm not mistaken, Dan has said many times that C2 was the end of Edge of Sanity.
Edge Of Sanity = R.i.p.

The Info You Read Is About A Guy Who'd Like A Crimson Iii...and Dan Hasn't Talked About It...
That's really weird, because I read everywhere that Dan took it upon himself to re-form EoS for Crimson 2. .... Maybe only for that album??

Also, can anyone tell me how much of the vocals Akerfelt does on Crimson? I can't believe he can pull off those black metalish vocals at some parts, I'm thinking it's Dan.
Mike does a few lines on Crimson. If you have a look at the lyrics, it'll tell you when Mike is singing.

I don't see why you think he couldn't pull them off, Mike has great death vocals, the best I've heard (with Dan in 2nd place). Dan did re-form EOS for Crimson II, but not the original band members AFAIK (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
Master_Debater said:
That's really weird, because I read everywhere that Dan took it upon himself to re-form EoS for Crimson 2. .... Maybe only for that album??
One of the main points in releasing what is now Crimson 2 under the name of Edge Of Sanity was, that EOS developed in a bit different direction without Dan and he wished to set a final point (well, maybe_final for now, but there is always room for surprises) the way he wanted EOS to sound. There have always been discussions amongst the bandmembers about which kind of songs to play, and after the split first the "rest" had the say, and as you then read, later Dan got back the name for himself and so he was the one to decide all alone.
Another thing is that the material of C2 could also have ended up as a kind_of_Moontower, but he wanted the songs to "get the reception they deserved" and EOS is much more famous name.
It is possible to see it as a glorious final ending point, definitely, so "even" for that one album it made sense to get back the name.

He tells this also in my interview, which is linked below:
"And I could say, if it wasn’t for the reception of the fact that I was about to make a new EDGE OF SANITY-Album, I would probably have made an album that would have been maybe the follow-up to “Moontower” or something. Because some of the riffs in there was not EDGE OF SANITY-alike stuff. So when everything happened around EDGE OF SANITY - “Crimson 2”, was a bit turbulent time, I had to make up my mind very fast if I want to do another EDGE OF SANITY [album] or not. And it was a question about selling 1000 or 10 000 albums, with the same stuff on it. And I felt that the time of the being “betrayed” so many sales for the “I”-album [by NIGHTINGALE] and bits and pieces of the “Moontower”, just one more..... I felt: not again!
I am not doing this “metal-thing” which I think it can be pretty hard on me, and not sell any albums. So this time we gonna play by the rules of the record-industry, also. Gonna give them - the big one. And they are gonna make the big advertising, they gonna print the shirts, they are gonna do the big ads."