So is St Anger a dissapointment or not

For me personally, it's a huge dissapointment. I thougt this would be an album I could throw in my cd player to jam to some old Metallica Thrash Metal. But nope. Thank god for mp3's, I would have ended up buying this and wasting $$ on it.
the lyrics are so dumb.. my god...I never knew james was such a fucking moron. His bullshit about this revelation he had after rehab and all this spiritual sounding just bullshit that they have all been spewing. I don't know if they are faking or they really believe all the crap they have been saying but it's pathetic. The songs are just stupid, the chorus is just a repitition of the title in every single damn song, there are no good lead parts, what did they learn from their first albums anyway? never to record anything good again? I can't even believe that this is the same band that gave us ..And Justice for All

fuck metallica, just a bunch of washed up musicians trying to stop the inevitable fade into nothingness. I don't even care what they once were anymore, they've ruined even that.
Disappointed as well, production is terrible, snare sounds like an empty biscuit tin, riffs that a 6 year old could have come up with, no solos (I didn't think I'd miss them as much as I do), poor vocals and the repeating of the same line over and over again is beginning to drive me insane.

Other than all that, the best album I've ever heard :)
* searching for Kill 'Em All *