Okay.....so I bought St. Anger for $9.98....


Dec 13, 2001
Altoona, PA
Visit site
....plus tax. I went against my CD buying principles/rules (meaning......do a lot of research, make a to-buy list, and pick things up in that order) & picked this up anyway, for two reasons:
1. I downloaded the St. Anger video & really liked it (mostly the chorus).
2. It was really cheap, and I figured I could get my money back, if it was THAT bad.

So. I read all the hype that everyone else did. The whole "return to their metal roots" stuff.

I read a bunch of message board crap from what I assumed were punk-ass kids calling it "nu-metal crap", and assumed they were showing how "metal" & how "elite" they were..........I even unloaded on a few people who wouldn't even give it a chance, just because it was Metallica.

Well......dammit, they were right. Granted......I've only given it 2 full listens, but it's not good at all! Blaaaah. It DOES have a nu-metal sound in places. Meh. I was really hoping for a killer album. But........ MEH!

Two questions:
1. Will LotFP be reviewing this? I hope so.
2. What does everyone else think?
jageorge72 said:
so I bought St. Anger for $9.98
What is wrong with you? Seriously? The only thing funnier than a lot of metal people A- Spending money on a Metallica album at this point and then B- complaining about it, is Jason Newsted joining Voivod and then going into a mad scramble for a paying job when he was forced to realize they weren't going to make any money even with the great and powerful Ex-Metallica guy in the lineup and doing all the publicity.
You could have bought any snoozeambient or trueblack metal album at random at Dark Symphonies, hated it just as much, but it wouldn't have been as obvious going in. And you just might have picked something good, ya know.
jageorge72 said:
1. Will LotFP be reviewing this? I hope so.
I haven't even heard Reload yet.
Jim LotFP said:
What is wrong with you? Seriously?QUOTE]

I already admitted that I like the title track (the chorus, at least), ......I know I can get my money back on eBay anyway.

I just didn't think it could possibly be that bad, but......it's fucking horrible!!
*hangs head in shame*
jageorge72 said:
I already admitted that I like the title track (the chorus, at least), ......I know I can get my money back on eBay anyway.

I just didn't think it could possibly be that bad, but......it's fucking horrible!!
*hangs head in shame*

Would it be accurate to say the band pulled a Nattens Madrigal on the world?
* Both have "raw production"
* Both were not what the fanbase expected

* "Nattens Madrigal"'s production actually fit the music
* "Nattens Madrigal" was actually good.
phyre said:
* Both have "raw production"

Nattens had a raw production, but great effort was taken to make it that way. Sounds like a similar situation to St. Anger from everything I've read...

And honestly, I can't get past the bad production on Nattens. I play it to people as a goof to demonstrate the worst qualities of black metal.

I was so looking forward to Ulver's re-doing the album in a different format, to actually hear the music instead of a weed whacker.
I honestly can't understand why people have troubles getting past the Nattens... production. It's just NOT a big deal. It suits the music and took (me) about 30 seconds to adjust to.

just plain awful.

no two ways about it.

the worst album every by a once-respectable band.

even Cold Lake was better.
phyre said:
* "Nattens Madrigal"'s production actually fit the music
* "Nattens Madrigal" was actually good.
Damn right! :)

I have never heard Reload either, just Fuel because it gets played on the radio. I did like Garage Inc. though.
HarmonyDies.... said:
Yes, the Nattens production is great for the music IMO. No worse production then anything Darkthrone did.

Really? Interesting. I don't find anything that Darkthrone did to be as 'piercing' as Nattens Madrigal (production-wise).
Jim LotFP said:
I play it to people as a goof to demonstrate the worst qualities of black metal.

Oddly enough, that's what I use Darkthrone for...

But I really dug NM. It's actually what got me into Ulver. Perhaps I would've been quite disappointed with it if I had heard Bergtatt and Kveldssanger before NM. ehe.

*goes to find where he stuck NM... time to listen again*

My Dying Bride -- The Dreadful Hours -- The Return to the Beautiful
/* random quote */
So beautiful is your naivete
Angelic... pathetic... I'll break your fucking wings
DrAnguish said:
Back to St. Anger - Jim you HAVE to review it! I can hardly imagine the adjectives you;d use to describe such tr00 and utter fecal matter.

At this point I'm scared I'd like it, and that would cause problems.

OK, not really scared of that, but I'm trying to get rid of CDs these days (1400... too many CDs not enough space, they're starting to stack in 20+ high piles on top of my CDs shelves... ick ick)
Jim LotFP said:
At this point I'm scared I'd like it, and that would cause problems.

OK, not really scared of that, but I'm trying to get rid of CDs these days (1400... too many CDs not enough space, they're starting to stack in 20+ high piles on top of my CDs shelves... ick ick)

I'll have some. Really.

Mail me some if you're desperate to get rid :lol: