So I've been listening to Odin's Court - Driven by Fate for weeks now...


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
... and I am fully convinced that we'll all be hearing more of this great band in the future. They have all the potential to make it in this hard prog metal scene with tons of bands coming and leaving every day.

I discovered Odin's Court when I was on the Devin Townsend official boards and came across Matt's detailed review of his experience opening up for him on tour and was really intrigued by his perfectly written message. Being a huge Devin Townsend fan myself, I must say I was rather amazed to hear Devin had such talented fans who are also creating great music to make their statements. Progressive music has always been my favourite genre, especially the type that has its own edge and style. So I decided to check out the website of this band and my curiousity for Odin's Court grew bigger. Living in Turkey where metal distribution is pretty bad, and not knowing how to lay my hands on Driven by Fate, I decided to contact Matt and received a prompt reply within less than an hour. He was extremely friendly and a great person to talk to. He agreed to send me a copy of his CD which really surprised me.

Finally, I received Driven by Fate in the mail about three weeks ago and have been playing it regularly. It's been on constant rotation in my CD player along with some other indie prog bands. It is fascinating how all these self-financed bands are putting out high quality music. I will not get into the specifics about the music on Driven by Fate, since I'm of the opinion, that such music is open to different interpretations by the listeners. All I can say is that I am highly impressed and believe, if Matt and his friends keep up their good work, they're bound to find their deserved place in this metal community.

I do not know if Matt is seeking a decent label to get better distro and promo, or if he's content with the way things are now, I just wish him and his band nothing but the best of luck in the future.

Let's all support independent music. Why? First off, cause it is created by independent-mind artists and people who are not going to sacrifice any aspects of their art because some label guy wants them to. Thus, when you listen to something like this, you know for sure the music is the very expression of the artists themselves. It's not that way cause someone asked them to compromise for whatever reason. You may not like it for all I know, but at least you'll know what you're hearing is the most honest and sincere form of the bands' artistic expression.

I wish there were more bands like this around... unfortunately there aren't. Therefore we need to support those who are around the best way we can in order to give them the medium to continue making music... both for themselves and for the fans. I'll do my best covering you guys in my magazine and hopefully be able to spread the word on your musical endeavours a bit.

Thank you, Matt!

I know it takes a lot of time to type up thoughts like that, so I really appreciate you taking the time to come here and share that with all of us! It is great that underground music has people who are so enthused about things, because otherwise it would remain unheard forever. On behalf of Odin’s Court, THANK YOU for all the time you’ve spent telling people about us!

It's nice to hear you like DBF so much. I can't wait to read your review!!! We did put a lot of effort into it. And as an Independent artist, it’s even harder since we didn’t have a label financing things. The next CD should be even better though, as Craig’s studio is getting to the point where we can use it and have "unlimited time" and not pay anything - which means not having to spend tons of money at another studio in a limited amount of time.

And I agree about supporting Independent music. As someone in that area myself, as well as having friends in there, I can say it is a struggle. It's a constant uphill battle, and more often than not you are simply throwing time, money, and effort into a chasm that seems to go nowhere. So when someone decides supports you, it's a nice feeling and a much needed boost. So if there is a band you like, a friend of yours that has a band, etc., please support them by going to shows when you can, buying their CDs/ shirts, etc. It will really give them a push to keep at it!

Thanks, Murat! Seems if you keep this up, we’ll have to come to Turkey one day! :)
OdinsCourt said:
The next CD should be even better though, as Craig’s studio is getting to the point where we can use it and have "unlimited time" and not pay anything - which means not having to spend tons of money at another studio in a limited amount of time.
Yeah, my studio is *almost* there. Anybody have some free mics, cables, sound baffles, lead soundproofing material, hard drives, effects, software, plugins, drums, or guitars to donate?!? ;) Heh.

Murat, keep the faith man. Another big thank you from Odin's Court. We appreciate the support. :wave: