So, like, tight rhythm guitar and stuff

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Whatsup guys, this is my first post in James' forum. I've been playing guitar for about 10 years (damn that long?!) and I'd like to get my rhythm chops tighter. I'm pretty solid, but I'd like to get tight enough to do professional recording. Not that I am a professional. Anyway, aside from the obvious--ie playing with a metronome--what are some tips I can follow to tighten up?

Basically the biggest problem I face deals with double-picking different notes. Like say that you're playing 180bpm down-picking, but then you have a fill at the end of the riff say like this:


I'm kind of a sloppy player and I prefer to slightly change the angle of my pick when I double-pick to play cleaner, but doing that is pretty difficult to pull off consistently. What's the "proper" way of doing it in metal, if there is a proper way? Should I keep my pick in the same position no matter what? Should I take a lesson? haha please don't say yes to that last question haha.

Thanks :headbang:
Genius Gone Insane said:
Whatsup guys, this is my first post in James' forum. I've been playing guitar for about 10 years (damn that long?!) and I'd like to get my rhythm chops tighter. I'm pretty solid, but I'd like to get tight enough to do professional recording. Not that I am a professional. Anyway, aside from the obvious--ie playing with a metronome--what are some tips I can follow to tighten up?

Basically the biggest problem I face deals with double-picking different notes. Like say that you're playing 180bpm down-picking, but then you have a fill at the end of the riff say like this:


I'm kind of a sloppy player and I prefer to slightly change the angle of my pick when I double-pick to play cleaner, but doing that is pretty difficult to pull off consistently. What's the "proper" way of doing it in metal, if there is a proper way? Should I keep my pick in the same position no matter what? Should I take a lesson? haha please don't say yes to that last question haha.

Thanks :headbang:

personally i keep the pick straight as possible at all times, especially when tremolo picking. it sounds way cleaner. i may be wrong but im pretty sure im not. also always play from you wrist if you can even on the super fast parts. also you didnt specify if it was 16th notes or what in your example.
Try holding the pick with your index finger then switch it your middle finger. In my case when I play with my middle finger the pick is more flat and the notes are more distinguishable and clear then with my index finger. see what works best for you. Consistancy I think comes from stamina. I try to relax and breath to be more consistant. But I still suck. LOL! :p practice, practice, practice.
abigailwilliams said:
personally i keep the pick straight as possible at all times, especially when tremolo picking. it sounds way cleaner. i may be wrong but im pretty sure im not. also always play from you wrist if you can even on the super fast parts. also you didnt specify if it was 16th notes or what in your example.

Yeah I think 16th notes, like say the speed of Master of Puppets (since we all know that song)....Isn't it bad for your arm/wrist if you play with the pick straight, unless of course your guitar is strapped up to your chest?