So long suckers!


May 15, 2004
Yeah, it´s in 2 weeks from now, but I haven´t been too active here lately so.....
So long!

In the beginning of february I´m leaving to fight in the war in Afghanistan!
Anywho, if you see me posting in june, I´ll be home on leave. In any case, I hope I´ll be a (more regular) visitor in september, when I get back (I hope, :) )
Yeah, it´s in 2 weeks from now, but I haven´t been too active here lately so.....
So long!

In the beginning of february I´m leaving to fight in the war in Afghanistan!
Anywho, if you see me posting in june, I´ll be home on leave. In any case, I hope I´ll be a (more regular) visitor in september, when I get back (I hope, :) )

I won't comment on the US and A politics, all I can say to you is that I wish that idiot and corrupt war is over, or you come home before alive and well.

I love soldiers (not in a homosexual way, mind you :p ), you truly are heroes.

Especially the ones of the US, so blind yet so patriotic and passionate.
I dont like war and/or armies, and I dont wish anything bad for you, your inmates and afgan people, but in war the people die.
What are you doing there? Ah, yes, free them from the Evil.
The worst of all is that soldiers dont choose by themselves, they obbey their commands, and dont matter if it is righteous or not.
So I wish good luck for you and your enemies.
Still breathing....

...And thanks ´old headbanger´, I will.
I hope you'll be home safe and earlier then what you think.
The people of afghanistan are unable to create a stable system, and terrorism enjoys this weakness. Unlike other wars, i believe that taking Taliban down was the only sure way to stop terror on women which taliban created, simple, violent and barbarian hatred towards women of all ages. This is not the only place where such thing happen, but Taliban worked on spreading their brutality outside the beautiful mountain country.
right now I dont believe anything will help them but an honest prayer.