DT forum members picture page needs new host

damn, it looks really professional, hearse!!!!!

specially the front guy!!!! really nice pic :)
btw: have you already released something??

well if bands with the quality of Embraze, Kalmah or Sinergy have released stuff, then I'm sure you guys will make it...

fathervic (who likes either Embraze and Kalmah ;) )
hehehehe no really....
what amazes me more of Scandinavia, is that it seems that any retarded capable of hold a guitar and sing some crappy lyrics is capable of get a deal. Of course there's extremely many great Scandinavian bands outthere, but there are also some that if they had existed outside of the northern lands they would have never released anything. It's difficult to accept that Sinergy, To Die For, Kalmah, and so on, had become famous, and for example a Spanish band called Nahemah, which is thousands of times better has just released one album and is half heard than any Scandinavian band...
so go for it ;) you already have the half of it done :p

fathervic (nahemah rulz)
*scratching his head*

i get your point hehehe but I don't have any other way to encourage you :p

fathervic (king of words ;) )
you mean you have to be grim, evil and play badly??? :p

well spinefarm has some good bands (may be 10% of their list), but as I've heard, Thales is not, by far, the target of spinefarm, but well Nightwish it isn't either... ;)

fathervic (waiting for Thales to release and album to become an official fan :) )
now it's time you write them again..."look, with all the crap you normally release, I think at least you could do us a favour and release it...either if we are good, or you think we're crap, both ways we're your target" ;)
it's a sure thing pal :p

fathervic (shutting up :p)
Originally posted by Hearse
:lol: hmmm so now it went really upside down didnt it? :lol:
Well its not just scandinavia... shity bands get signed everywhere.
Then good bands get without publicity. I just discovered one damn good Swedish black band "Slaughtersun" :D

Don't you mean the band Dawn and the album Slaughtersun - Crown of the triarchy? that is a damn fine album.