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Keyy said:
I didn't get it, but it's ok :)

cheap sexual innuendos, largely based on prejudice concerning some "gender war" where men represent stable views and rationality, while women are notoriously whimsical and unpredictable. more power to your family and upbringing if you didn't get the cave-people nuances, really.
Keyy said:
Mh i'm confused, i didn't get if this was directed to me, trotonus or was a general statement.

i don't think it was directed at you in any way, except for the fact you're the one who marveled at trit having issues with women.

as far as i can interpret the exciting exchange (heh), it went something like:

- dement plays cute and asks for attention
- tritonus refuses to collaborate because she's not into making friends with girls. this could be for a score of different reasons, so i'll pick the most trite just to piss people off: she likes to see herself as more honest and straightforward than the women who compete with her in trying to get the guys
- you post that you're surprised, because, frankly, having an actual problem with an entire gender seems pretty odd
- plintus barges in, e-penis at hand. see explanation above
- i do my job and use my evil powers to stir the cauldron. people will call me names (hopefully), but i've heard them before. ;)
Yeah, from the exciting exchange i got the same things, my question wasn't surprised, was more like "explain this problem", then i didn't get the selfloathing for language reasons, and then i didn't get if the family statement was directed to tritonus because of the attention deal, if it was just a retoric thing, or if it was directed to me-which didn't make much sense.
Ok, i'm confusing and kind of slow, sorry ^^
Let's all call names to Rahvin and his evil powers!
Keyy said:
then i didn't get the selfloathing for language reasons

trit is a woman, so if she can't stand women she must not be able to stand herself. i think.

and then i didn't get if the family statement was directed to tritonus because of the attention deal, if it was just a retoric thing, or if it was directed to me-which didn't make much sense.

oh, but that was for you. i meant that if you don't get the obvious hints of prejudice/sexism in a remark such as "who doesn't have problems with women??? LOLLERS!!", then you must have been lucky enough to both have a family who did not endorse such prejudice, and having grown up in a relatively prejudice-free environment. does it make more sense now?

Let's all call names to Rahvin and his evil powers!

that's "rahvin the fuckwit" for you, m'am!
rahvin said:
oh, but that was for you. i meant that if you don't get the obvious hints of prejudice/sexism in a remark such as "who doesn't have problems with women??? LOLLERS!!", then you must have been lucky enough to both have a family who did not endorse such prejudice, and having grown up in a relatively prejudice-free environment. does it make more sense now?

It does, i've misanderstood the "if you didn't get the cave-people nuances", i've put it in the the contest of the whole debate and not in the one of my growing environment. Gosh, what a pain!

rahvin said:
that's "rahvin the fuckwit" for you, m'am!
Whatever :P
Mahuha OMG marry me! Here's 3.27 a.m. i can't sleep because i've drank too much freaking mountan due (??) and i'm loughing like an idiot because of the new people thread. So yeah, you should marry me. I'm out of topic but i couldn't answer on that one cuz i'd ruin it.
Keyy said:
Mahuha OMG marry me! Here's 3.27 a.m. i can't sleep because i've drank too much freaking mountan due (??) and i'm loughing like an idiot because of the new people thread. So yeah, you should marry me. I'm out of topic but i couldn't answer on that one cuz i'd ruin it.

thank you for the offer, it's always a relief when it comes from (a) a female; (b) a human being. ;) i'm afraid i'm seeing someone at the moment, though, but i'll keep you in mind once my comedy guiles fail to impress. :lol:

also, i had no idea mountain dew contained caffeine.
Keyy said:
uh that's too bad, well i can wait, i'm sure i won't get married for the next 10 years at least, so i kind of have time to waste in the meanwhile.

i'm trying to speed things up myself, i'll be positively ancient 10 years from now. so if i don't get married this time, in a couple of years i might have to ask you to hurry, sorry. but - hey - i'm funny so everything's forgiven, right? :p
Keyy said:
Yaa...maybe...in a couple of years i picture my self in africa, so yeah, if you buy me a pink pony and come and join me to africa i can forgive you. Otherwise you might work good in 10 years as a couch ^^

i'm taking this to the chat thread so as not to spam here.