dt forum members pictures page.

Well....Uranus is a very common swedish name. And you're so right, I actually am. Mars is just for the not-alternative.

It's me at the left, with my friend and Tomas Lindberg, last friday, at a Disfear concert ! :D
@dement: you should probably post a couple of times on this board before achieving the status of forum member. i don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, and we appreciate the pictures. and your kitchen.
Last weekend, we took some photos of my 15 months old halfbrother, who is just ubercute :grin:

photo 1 , photo 2 , video

He can do very cute tricks, too.. like when you say "Where's your nose?", he grins a huge grin and points to his nose, even though he doesnt really speak yet.. apart from "mama", which means something like "hungry!" ;)
Taliesin said:
Last weekend, we took some photos of my 15 months old halfbrother, who is just ubercute :grin:

photo 1 , photo 2 , video

He can do very cute tricks, too.. like when you say "Where's your nose?", he grins a huge grin and points to his nose, even though he doesnt really speak yet.. apart from "mama", which means something like "hungry!" ;)
My god, that kid is unbelievable. The way he got on and off the horse was surprisingly athletic for his age. Cool coordination. This is really nice to see. Thanks for sharing man. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing some pics of him when he was just born a year and a bit back, so it is a treat to see how he's grown into a little horse lord.