dt forum members pictures page.

Tritonus said:

Oh, btw, I know how to wipe arse with a two square inch bus ticket :heh: Some people actually used that marvellous technique already :Smug: Plagiators. Everywhere. :erk:
@trit, plintus: i expect from both of you not to constantly derail every thread you post in. please. just use the following rule of thumb: after two exchanges of one-liners unrelated to the subject, move your next reply to the chat thread. i'd hate to have to start closing threads for this.
rahvin said:
@trit, plintus: i expect from both of you not to constantly derail every thread you post in. please. just use the following rule of thumb: after two exchanges of one-liners unrelated to the subject, move your next reply to the chat thread. i'd hate to have to start closing threads for this.


My yesterday's picture taken with a uber mega expensive setup (featuring Canon 5D and 17mm wide-angle). Been visiting some friends.
Aye, cool pic Pliny. Those hands are in dead sharp focus.


If vanity were a crime I'd get the chair.

But nah, this is a classy pic of my band. Unedited, Slow shutter speed, train whizing by... The lightening is like a reflection of the flash I think... Not sure how it happened...


I love my mates. Look how cool they all are. The only reason I fear death is because I don't wanna leave them behind.
plintus said:

My yesterday's picture taken with a uber mega expensive setup (featuring Canon 5D and 17mm wide-angle). Been visiting some friends.

Ey, I had the exaCT same glasses befow...