so more metalfest stuff for anyone going


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so josh is hanging out all weekend down here in rhode island. so the offer becomes open for discussion again that my place is open all night for late night hanging out after the fest peters out.

so who's up for hanging out? we have beer and a place to crash for anyone without hotel rooms. azal?kleo?bigfakesmile?anyone?

in either case, anyone who wants to meet up at the fest can PM me and I'll give you my cell # to contact me.
i will be fashionably absent because of my dysfunctional lifestyle. josh will be my representative if nick goatschool is unavailable.
I don't know what I'll be wearing..Thundercats? or is that too scene?
Strapping Young Lad? but not on the day they play..don't be that guy...

I'll let you guys know like on friday morning after I shower and put on a shirt.

either way, I'm tall, and my hair looks greasy, and I look awful and I'll be with a girl that is too attractive to be with me and has a horrified look on her face from exposure to all the metal freakazoids.

maybe I'll just look for you guys...
Baliset said:
attn paul:

i will be the crazy idiot jumping on stage to do background vocals on "not the strong"

well maybe i won't be that extreme but i will lip synch along and headbang!

I had some crazy idiot climb on stage last year in NE, and I sent him off the stage, and he did a face plant on the floor. Now that Iv'e been warned, I'll make sure I check to make sure it's not you if it happens again! :)