so more metalfest stuff for anyone going

Ok, here's the guy who got on stage with me, rammed me (it was like he hit a wall, hahah), and got ejected head first.


so I'm leaving in like an hour.

3.5 hr drive, factoring in an hour or two of myself getting lost or my car breaking down, so I should be there at 5PM right in time for the mightiness that is November's Doom.

but hopefully I won't get lost and therefore have time to drink a bottle of wine in my hotel room before heading out.

I think I'll wear my SYL- City shirt, and assless leather pants.
and that guy on stage- we saw him outside before the set, and he was all drunk stumbling around yelling "TODAY IS THE DAY" over and over again, running into people and stuff. probably one of the most interesting parts of the fest. glad my gf had a camera and got some pics of him.