So My OTHER Dog Died This Morning...


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
RIP Mai Thai...


Didn't I make a thread like this? Yes, my other dog died three weeks ago to the day. Mai Thai (the black and white shih tzu) had a seizure last night and the vet took him home with him to observe him and apparently my dog's heart just couldn't take it and he died about 2 AM. My poor mother is crying until she throws up and crying some more and my dad's just crying and watching her. I'm just the dumbfuck in my room with my cat the only fucking animal THAT'S LEFT wondering what fucking shit is going to hit the fan next and I'm sad as hell ...

Both of my dogs. :cry:
*hugs* all around. Thanks guys, I really really hate to go through all of this so soon after more dogs, this is too hard. I feel awful for my mother, that was her best buddy. Currently waiting for the yardman to come dig another hole for another "tree" (since ya know burying animals in the backyard is illegal and all) then we're going to go get us another doggy coffin. My parents were considering cremation but the thought of burning my dog just freaks me out ..thinking of him rotting in the ground isn't great either I guess. :erk:

*more hugs*
i'm really sorry to hear about your other dog, thats just awful. :cry:

its illegal to bury your pets in your backyard? well...damn! haha, we must have had like...50 or more cats and some dogs and sheep buried in my grandma's pasture, which was all dug up to put houseds on, but no one seemed to complain about dead animals. and we've got even more buried in the actual backyard
Dead_Lioness said:
uh.... maybe this isnt the right place to ask,

but why is it illigal ?!?!
It's a health code violation. It's illegal in my city but out in the country I guess you usually don't find any laws against it. It's not a proper burial and it's pretty unsanitary to have dead animals rotting in your yard. But I'm not burning my puppy and I'm not sticking him in some fake pet cemetery thing so my neighbors can just deal with my corpses. GAH my Mai Thai is a corpse now. :erk:
Man, that's terrible. I'm so sorry.

What the government doesn't know won't hurt them. And since you are going ahead and burying the poor puppy in a coffin, it's a lot more sanitary than if you hadn't. Don't worry and have a good ceremony.
i just got an e-mail from my mom in texas. our blue chow, "bonnie blue," had a stroke and died yesterday :cry: :cry:
she was twelve, a real sweety for a chow though.
dammit :cry: